Jan Scholten
Aegopodium podagraria
Names: Aegopodium podagria; Ligusticum podagraria; Sium podagraria; Sium vulgare; Sison podagraria; Carum podagraria; Pimpinella podagraria; Apium podagraria; Apium biternatum; Seseli podagraria; Seseli aegopodium; Podagraria aegopodium; Podagraria erratica; Tragoselinum angelica; Aegopodium latifolium; Herba Sancti Gerhardi.
English: Goutweed; Herb-Gerard; Ash-weed; White Ash-herb; Wild Masterwort; Dwarf Elder; Bishop's Elder; Dogelder; Bishop's Weed; Garden Plague; Jack-Jump-About.
German: Zaungiersch; Dreifufl; Zipperleinskraut; Gichtkraut; Podagrakraut; Hinfufl; Hinlauf; Giersch.
Dutch: Zevenblad.
Powerless without support and protection.
Sexual desire increased, excitement.
Wants to be dressed in black.
Desire to prove himself.
Cares, worries: others.
Desires new challenges, surroundings.
Forsaken feeling.
Reproaches himself; shame.
Oversensitive, < touch.
Indifference, apathy, < mistakes.
Ambitious, industrious, mania for work.
Aversion mental work; unable to work.
Hurry, haste; restlessness, impatience.
Nervous, biting nails, picking at, playing with fingers.
Thinking clearly, fast; thoughts intruding, crowding, rushing, flowing.
Mind weak, empty, absentminded, debility, prostration; difficulty writing, reading, not understanding; concentration difficult, < driving, confusion of mind; forgetful, < speaking, < reading, mistakes in writing, speaking, actions.
Anger, irritability, malicious, vindictive, morose, sulky, cross, fretful, ill-humour, peevish, quarrelsome, scolding, < offended, < causeless, to family, himself; cruelty, brutality, inhumanity; impolite.
Harmony, high spirited; optimism, hopeful, confidence in future; euphoria, elation; excitement; nervous; hilarity.
Tranquility, serenity, calm, reconciling to fate.
Sad, sour, bitter, depressed, despair, miserable, pessimist, pities herself, discomfort, discontented with himself, suicidal, desire death, weary of life, weeping, tearful, < miserable existence; desire to be alone, averse consolation, taciturn; < consolation.
Ailments from deprivation of sex, continence, celibacy; shock; injuries, accidents.
Delusions: being in his grave.
Fear: agoraphobia; cold, bathing; heart ceases beating, future.
Dreams: amorous, with ejaculations; chaos; robbery of bank; symbols.
Sensation: dry; empty, hollow; flabby; foreign bodies; stiff, tension, tight, formication; heavy as lead.
Weather: chilly, < cold, < cold draughts, >< warmth, > open air.
Time: 7 am; changeability.
Desire: chocolate; warm lukewarm drinks, salt, sour, sweets.
Aversion: smell of food, smell of onions, food.
Food: > milk, > eating; < smell and sight of food, < milk, < cold drinks.
Sleep: sleepless, disturbed, light, restless, < thought; sleepy, < daytime.
Physical: > rest, > lying quietly, < pressure, of clothing, < motion, < turning in bed, > bending double, < injuries, blows, falls, bruises, < touch, > sitting, > supporting a part; > walking.
General: glands, mamma.
Energy: weak, weary, lassitude, sluggish, < morning on waking; intoxicated feeling.
Nervous: paralysis; epilepsy.
Vertigo: floating, as if walking on cotton, faintness, < 7 am.
Head: as if head were filled with pudding or with lead.
Eyes: dry.
Nose: dry.
Throat: dry.
Lungs: bronchitis, asthma.
Stomach: pain, nausea, < waking, > milk, > eating.
Urinary: urine scanty offensive, like brown beer; cystitis.
Female: menses late, profuse; painful, dysmenorrhoea; leucorrhoea, black, dark, before menses; instead of menses; ovaries pain burning, cutting, < ovulation.
Limbs: gout, sciatica, arthritic and rheumatic pains, aching joints.
Skin. < injury.