Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
652.15.16 Umbilicus rupestris, Cotyledon umbilicus
Names: Cotyledon umbilicus; Umbilicus pendulinus.
English: Pennywort; Navelwort; Kidneywort; Wall Pennywort; Wall Pennyroyal; Penny Pies.
Names: Cotyledon, Greek kotyle, a cup, alluding to its round, slightly concave leaves; round form of the leaf like a coin.
Dutch: Waternavel.
Source: Wadstories 1, Vera Kopsky.
A keynote is the idea that a leg or arm is amputated. This can be physical but is often psychological after the loss of a husband, wife or child. They feel the loss as an amputation.
Lost and confused feeling.
Could not articulate for some time on awaking.
Estranged feeling in morning on waking.
Strong desire for company and excitement.
Feeling as if he would burst into tears.
Exhilaration alternating depression.
Sexual excitement; lascivious thoughts.
Quiet disposition.
Gives little.
Sexual performances, comparing himself with others.
Delusions body parts are absent, amputated; dear one is lost.
Dream: nightmare; cannot escape.
Sensation: cold air rising upward from legs.
Weather: > open air.
Time: < morning, < evening.
Food: > tea.
Physical: > motion.
Nervous: epilepsy, petit-mal, absences.
Head: light, as if not solid; could not articulate for some time though she tried.
Eyes: yellow patch follows eyesight; vision diminished.
Ears: stuffed; surging; hearing diminished; left eustachian tube stuffed with mucus.
Mouth: salivation.
Throat: full: catarrh of larynx and trachea; choking fullness; back part covered with thick mucus; choking.
Lungs: breathing oppressed; sighing.
Heart: full, bursting, as if obstruction; palpitations, beating heavily, difficulty, + dull pain, as if obstruction, inch to the left of the nipple.
Chest: oppression, globus behind the sternum, as if cold air were rising upward from legs, < standing still, < thinking about it, > continued motion; pains through the breast to scapula; pain under left nipple, aching in right breast; dull heavy pain, middle of the sternum, as if from a blow, passing through to the back, < breathing deeply.
Rectum: painful haemorrhoids.
Limbs: gout, sciatica; chilblains; dropsy.
Male: inflammation and swellings of testicles.
Back: sinuses in buttock, sinus pilonidales.
Limbs: numb aching, muscles, fibrous tissue, joints, back, thighs; sciatica; hysterical joint; pain at angles of scapula, < pressure of a blunt point; legs and arms feel heavy and sore; nauseating pain, inner side of the left knee, as if after a blow; painful sensitiveness, back part of the left thigh; trickling, as of blood, down the left arm, from shoulder to finger-points.
Skin: pimples, fresh wounds; sensitive, stinging, < rubbing; creeping in the flesh, as before severe cold or rheumatic attack.