William Boericke
Strychninum purumn
Strychninum purum
Its primary function is to stimulate the motor centers and the reflex action of the spinal cord. Homeopathic to spasms of muscles, cramps from an undue reflex excitability of the cord, spasms of the bladder, etc. Strychnin stimulates the central nervous system, mental activities, special senses rendered more acute. Respiration increased. All reflexes are made more active. Stiffness in muscles and face and neck. Opisthotonos. Tetanic convulsions with opisthotonos. The muscles relax between paroxysms; worse slightest touch, sound, odor. Influences more directly the spinal cord and is less appropriate in visceral derangements than Nux. Tetanus. Explosive nervousness. The pains and sensations come suddenly and return at intervals.
Head: Restless. Over-irritability. Full and bursting headache, with heat in eyes. Vertigo, with roaring in ears. Jerking of head forwards. Scalp sore. Itching of scalp and nape.
Eyes: Hot, painful, protruding, staring. Pupils dilated. Sparks before eyes. Spasmodic contraction of ocular muscles; twitching and trembling of lids.
Ears: Hearing very acute; burning, itching, and roaring in ears.
Face: Pale, anxious, livid. Jaws stiffened; lower jaw spasmodically closed.
Throat: Dry, contracted; feeling of a lump. Deglutition impossible. Burning along and spasms of oesophagus. Violent itching in roof of mouth.
Stomach: Constant retching. Violent vomiting. Nausea of pregnancy.
Abdomen: Sharp pain in abdominal muscles, griping pain in bowels.
Rectum: Feces discharged involuntarily during spasms. Very obstinate constipation.
Female: Desire for coitus (Canth; Camph; Fl ac; Lach; Phos; Plat). Any touch on body excites a voluptuous sensation.
Respiratory: Spasm of muscles about larynx. Excessive dyspnoea. Sharp, contractive pains in muscles of chest. Persistent cough, recurring after influenza.
Back: Rigitidy of cervical muscles. Sharp pain in nape and down spine. Back stiff; violent jerks in spinal column. Icy sensation down spine.
Extremities: Limbs stiff. Rheumatism with stiff joints. Violent jerking, twitching, and trembling. Tetanic convulsions and opisthotonos; spasms provoked by slightest touch and attempt to move. Shocks in the muscles. Cramp-like pains.
Fever: Cold chills down spine. Perspiration in a stream down head and chest. Lower extremities cold.
Skin: Itching of whole body, especially nose. Icy sensation down the spine.
Modalities: Worse, morning; touch; noise; motion; after meals. Better, lying on back.