Jan Scholten
Secret Lanthanides
8.4 Samarium oxydatum
Working hard to be independent with your handicaps
Struggling for freedom and self-respect
Realizing autonomy as a neglected child
Working hard for freedom to prevent being abused
Lonely struggle against corruption
Lonely fight for freedom from abuse
Being abused in their lonely hard work
Working hard to be free from debts
Working hard to be respected as an independent person
Working hard to avoid being corrupted spiritually
Working hard to be independent with your handicaps
They have the feeling that they have to work hard and constantly in order to be independent. This is the more so because they have handicaps that make it even harder for them to reach autonomy. They won't give up and will keep going on. This will put them under pressure, as if they don't have time enough to achieve what they want. Their handicaps can be real in the form of missing limbs or poor bodily functions. Or the handicaps can be in the form of lacking resources and debts. They cannot stand debts and will work hard to redeem them.
Realizing autonomy as a neglected child
Their attitude of hard working can come from a childhood where they were neglected as a child. They felt not respected and sometimes even despised. Thus they came to the conclusion that only autonomy can give them respect. Real autonomy is connected with freedom of debts, be it in the form of money or psychological. They work hard to achieve their freedom so that cannot be abused any more.
Working hard to avoid being corrupted spiritually
In later phases they feel the need for inner development. They start working hard to gain control over themselves. This is often out of fear of being corrupted. They put themselves under pressure to control themselves all the time because they fear that if they don't look out for a moment their desires and instincts can be stronger than their self-control. They have the feeling that they have to control the shadow and ugly parts of their psyche.