Jan Scholten
Neodymium metallicum
The impression of Neodymium is a kind of hardness. It's not a hardness like coldness, but more a kind of toughness. They seem closed, difficult ton open up for others. This is the "armor" quality. The toughness hides their insecurity. When it's their true character they can look very much in control, as if they have no anxieties. As a child they become the rascal, doing everything that God and man has forbidden. Their courage makes it possible to do everything.
When it's a less deep state one sees more the struggle to be tough. They will do everything, but with feelings of insecurity and anxiety.
Proving independence
Proving autonomy: rascal
Hiding themselves: impervious
Hiding behind their autonomy: untouchable
Proving themselves: courage
Challenge of self-control
Proving self-control: tough
Proving independence
They want to prove their autonomy. They develop the tendency to do strange things, things that no-one else does. It’s like a statement that they are special and independent. They can do weird and funny things, dangerous and forbidden things.
Proving autonomy: rascal
As a child they are often seen as a rascal. They are the young ones that do the forbidden things. It’s not the desire to be criminal or hurt others, rather the contrary. They want to show that society's rules are not for them. Their courageous acts often have a funny and humorous aspect. They are often seen as roguish. But they can also have a playful quality. Sometimes this can border on the mischievous, but that’s mostly when others try to restrict them. Examples are Pipi Longstocking and Pietje Bel (Dutch literature).
Hiding themselves: impervious
They want to stay autonomous and one way of doing that is not showing themselves. They won't show what they feel and think. They hide behind a wall that's impenetrable. They do that out of a feeling of being vulnerable. For them it's not good to show weaknesses because then it can be used against them in dangerous situations. They cannot show it to themselves either because the challenge is too big. By hiding their weakness they cannot become a victim of it. So they are seen as impervious, closed, impenetrable, inaccessible, sealed, tight. They are untouchable, invulnerable, unaffected.
They won’t show their doubts or weakness. They hide the possibility of losing control, fearing to be hurt. They are very tough. In a way they shout down their fear.
Proving themselves: courage
They are very courageous, sometimes doing really outrageous and dangerous things. For them it’s the proof of their independence and freedom. They feel unrestrained. They can jump into situations that others see as dangerous, but they look at them with an open mind and the conviction they will come out of them without harm. They are often very open, frank and candid. They look for challenges, dangerous situations to prove for themselves that they can handle things. It’s not so much that they want to do it physically, but they want to prove that they can handle it mentally, that their mind is strong enough not to give in when their autonomy is challenged.
They have to prove that they are autonomous. They will do dangerous and forbidden things to show that they will decide things for themselves. They'll prove that they're free.
Wants to prove that the shadow can be conquered. They do all kinds of things to prove that fear, desires and other negative things can be overcome. They go for it: they cannot avoid the shadow. They take the bull by the horns, take the boar by the fangs. After watching the problem for a while, they tackle it, grab it, and defeat it.
Impervious, closed, impenetrable, inaccessible, untouchable, invulnerable, sealed, tight, unaffected.
Prove, show, substantiate, live up to.
Frank, open, candid, weird.
Courage, danger, challenge.
Rascal, roguish, mischievous.
The dynamic audacious twin.
Awkward, awkwardness, physical and psychological.
Torsion, twisting.
Delusion that things new for them are new for everyone.
Talent: trust that you can do things never done before, because these things have been done before innumerable times, so you trust on the spiritual patterns, the morphogenetic fields.
Dynamic drive or push.
They can watch for a while to understand how things go, how opponents will react, but then they take a firm grip on the events.
The active, courageous twins.
Criticized by people standing aside.
Sweat: copious << night.
Parkinsonism !!.
Eye problems; strabismus, vertical, divergent; lateral eye muscles; prism lenses.
Chest pressure. Dyspnoea.
Lungs: granulomas, pneumoconiosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
Liver problems: necrosis, fatty degeneration; spleen problems.
Colitis, diarrhea.
Kidney problems.
Male: testis, epididymis, seminal vesicles, infertility.
Female: ovaries, uterus, infertility, miscarriage.
Right wrist, left elbow.
Intestinal problems.
Blood: platelets, coagulation problems.
Myth: Heracles Labour 3: Heracles grasps the wild boar of Erymanthes firmly by his fangs.