Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.51.06 Linaria vulgaris
Names: Antirrhinum linaria.
English: Toad-flax; Snap Dragon.
Dutch: Vlasleeuwerik; Paddevlas; Wildvlas; Schaapmuilkens; Leeuwenmuilkens.
They are daring. Even with enormous problems in their family they keep on smiling and laughing as if there’s no problem. They feel that it’s of no use to tell others about their problems. Others wouldn’t understand and would start thinking negatively about them and their family. They even have the tendency to suppress their problems. They feel it’s of no use to keep on thinking about it, it cannot be changed anyway. So why should they dwell on those events, but the inner tension is still there and that makes them hilarious, laughing about everything as if they want to prove that they can handle all their problems lightly.
Reserved, closed, taciturn, answering vaguely, avoiding.
Family oriented, the family against the world.
Dull, confused, thinking and memory difficult, stupid, sluggish.
Coma, stupor.
Sex high. Amorous, lascivious.
Hierarchy, in the family.
Sad, tearful, despondency, melancholia, entangled in their problems, complaining.
Peevish, ill humour, cannot forget the past.
Indifference, apathy.
Lack of love.
Courageous, daring.
Makes an abrupt end to a situation with has not been fixed for a long time.
Delusion: poisoned.
Weather: cold, < open air.
Time: < 11 am.
Desire: tea with milk.
Food: < tobacco.
Physical: < walking.
Sleep: sleepy irresistible, < day, sleepless < night.
Energy: ! drowsy, weak, fainting.
Head: headache, dull forehead, + heat < sleep.
Eyes: pain; lids inflamed, red, hot.
Mouth: tongue rough, prickling, dry; salivation.
Throat: lump, constricted.
Lungs: oppressed; cough, violent.
Heart: faint; dropsy; blood purifier.
Chest: pain, stitching.
Stomach: pressure, belching, belching, nausea, vomiting.
Abdomen: rumbling, flatulence; liver weak, obstructions, enlarged; jaundice; spleen, enlarged.
Rectum: diarrhoea; stool watery; haemorrhoids.
Urinary: urine profuse, enuresis.
Female: provokes women’s menses, brings forth dead child, afterbirth.
Limbs: ankylosis.
Skin: cancerous or fistulous ulcers; scurfy eruption; scruff; swelling, small, burning, itching, pimples; leprosy.