Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Miserable and weak. Profuse, FOUL, HOT, ACRID discharges; sputum, eructations, etc.; redden the part. Rawness. Burning like fire. Pulsation; general. Haemorrhage; passive; brown, dark. Lumpy discharges, menses, etc. Ulceration. Heaviness. Fulness. Tumefaction. Scurvy. Marasmus. Black, teeth, leucorrhoea, lochia, etc.
Dissatisfied with every thing; wants things, then throws them away and wants something else. Screams at night. Cross, wilful and obstinate. Longs for death. Stupid. Buzzing in head. Yellow pallor, with red blotches (Iod.); during chill or heat. TEETH SOON DECAY; black spots on; intolerable ache, < pregnancy; painful dentition. Puffy, bluish, bleeding, painful gums. Aphthae or salivation, of pregnancy. Taste bitter, low down in throat. Icy cold epigastrium. Frothy eructations. Nausea. Vomiting; long after meals (Æth. Fer. Plat.); undigested food; sweetish; of pregnancy; of uterine ulcer. As of a lump pressing down on bladder. Brown, watery, lienteric stools. Urination hurried; involuntary when lying. Diuresis. Profuse, lumpy, intermittent menses, < lying. Leucorrhoea; gushing; like bloody water; with itching. Tormenting cough, with little expectoration; with sore larynx and chest. Senile bronchitis. Neglected phthisis. Hectic. Chest; deep pains, take her breath; anxious heaviness. Dragging from back to genitals; as if to come out. Violently itching, moist or scurfy eczema on eyelids, face, joints, back of hands. Ulcers break out and heal repeatedly; bleed after coitus. Cold sweat.
Region: MUCOUS MEMBRANES, DIGESTIVE TRACT; Gums; Stomach; Abdomen; Female genitals; Uterus; BLOOD; Teeth.
Worse: DENTITION; Pregnancy; Rest; Cold; Eating; Lying; Summer; During menses; 6 P;M; to 6 A;M.
Better: Warmth; Hot food; Motion.