Jan Scholten
Secret Lanthanides
13.5 Holmium nitricum
Retire into an inner world of narcissism
Reduce autonomy for narcissism
Retire within themselves in order to win
Reduce boasting as a self-control
Sarcastic when losing
Nostalgic indulgences
Sarcastic retiring
Retire into inner world of narcissism
Autonomy and narcissism are difficult to combine so they have to reduce one or both or withdraw. They want to be the best and the biggest but if they can’t achieve that in the external world, they retire into their inner world where they can be the best. In their fantasy world they enjoy the things that they can’t enjoy in reality. They can do this also after being successful in normal life. If they cannot live up to their expectations they become nostalgic and create their past life again in their mind.
Reduce autonomy for narcissism
They want to enjoy life so much, that they will half give up their autonomy half. In the beginning that can be joyful but in the end they do that only with bitter feelings. They become sarcastic and cynical, about others and themselves.
Retire within themselves in order to win
They dearly want to win, and very eagerly to be the best. But in order to do that they have to retire into themselves. There they have to find the power and resources that will help them to win.
Reduce boasting as self-control
They can be very boastful, saying how good they are. In their enthusiasm they would like to boast but doing that is not very controlled, it’s giving rein to your ego. They want to be in control of themselves, so they moderate their desire to be the best. They reduce their narcissism to save their autonomy.