Jan Scholten
Hepar sulphur
Lax. CHILLY AND OVERSENSITIVE; to cold; to pain; or to touch; faints easily, etc. Profuse secretions; foul; like old cheese. Sour, stools, smell of body, sweat, etc. SWEATS EASILY, but dare not uncover; and profusely, without relief. As of a wind blowing on part. Wears overcoat in hot weather. Tak(e cold from damp exposure. Sore STICKING, like sharp splinters. EVERY HURT FESTERS. SUPPURATION; threatens, or much thick pus. Abscess. Mastoiditis. Yellow, sclerotic, expectoration, sweat, etc.
Bad temper. Sudden weak memory. Touchy, mentally and physically; to pain, cold; easily becomes cross and violent. Hasty, violent, irritable or dissatisfied. Hair falls in spots; sore to touch. Corneal ulcer or maculae. Photophobia. Chronic otorrhoea. Boring at root of nose. Stuffed, painful nose. Ripened colds and old catarrhs. Sneezes from every cold wind. Hawks mucus. Rough sticking like a splinter, fish-bone, etc., in throat. Quinsy. The upper jaw projects. Goitre (r); pains into head. Stomach weak; easily upset. Craves acids, condiments or stimulants. Eating refreshes, but causes heaviness. Foul mucus from anus. Stool difficult, although soft. Must wait to urinate; passes blood and pus afterwards. Nephritis; after scarlatina. Very foul, hot, membranous or pussy leucorrhoea. Painful larynx. Cough from least uncovering. Whistling, choking breathing; must bend head back. Croup. Hoarseness; chronic; of singers. Aphonia. Asthma; after suppressions. Cough, choking, barking; < cold drinks or in A.M.; hacking, as from a feather; LOOSE, but can't expectorate, tightens up in cold air. WEAKNESS AND MUCH RATTLING IN CHEST. Much expectoration; thick, yellow. Recurrent bronchitis; from every cold. Skin sensitive to cool air (Agar.). Foul, moist eruptions in folds. Torpid, pulsating ulcers; encircled by smaller ones, pimples or boils. Impetigo. Poor granulation. Sweaty and rattles with every cold or cough. Night-sweats. Low fevers. Hectic. Body exhales a foul odor.
Region: NERVES; CONNECTIVE TISSUE; RESPIRATORY MEMBRANES; Flexures; GLANDS; Kidneys; Skin; Bridge of nose (Kali-bi;:.
Worse: COLD, dry: AIR; WINTER; DRAFTS; WIND; PART BECOMING; LEAST: UNCOVERING; TOUCH; Noise; Exertion; Lying on painful part; Mercury; Night.