Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
A tempestuous remedy, full of VIOLENT PULSATIONS. EBULLITIONS or irregular congestion; general P.; with numbness. UPWARD RUSHES OF BLOOD. As if enlarged, distended or being smaller. Bursting, expansion or enlarged feeling of eyes, head, tongue, etc. Pains that come long after injuries.
Confused, bewildered; loses himself. Sinks down unconscious. Sun-stroke. Apoplexy. Congestion to head in suppressed menses, eclampsia, albuminuria, etc. WAVES; OF TERRIBLE BURSTING, POUNDING HEADACHE, as if standing on head; expanding and contracting or blood surging back and forth from head, < carotids to heart; alternating between temples; < sunshine; < damp days. Cracking, snapping, shocks, explosions or soreness deep in brain. Head lies too heavy on pillow. Pains in malar bones, ending in a headache. Numb, sore vertex. Sharp, shooting behind ears. Red lower eyeballs or lids. Staring, dry, protruding or sunken eyes; lids stick to balls (Guai.). Blind spells. Bluish face. Veins of temples swelled. Heavy tongue. Thick saliva in morning Throat feels swelled. Heavy breathing. As of a load on chest. Heart seems full, quivers; strong pulsation, and into (l) neck. Violent palpitation. Cardiac pains; radiate to all parts; toward arms. Cardiac pains, < leaning backward or wine. Neck feels full and stiff. Trembling hands. Awakes fearing apoplexy. Full, tense pulse. Venous pulse. Heat on crown of head and along spine. Burning in small areas or single parts. Heat, with hot sweat. Horrible sinking in epigastrium.
Region: BRAIN; VASO-MOTORS, CIRCULATION; HEAD (forehead:; HEART; Mastoids; Respiration.
Worse: HEAT: ON HEAD; Overheating; OF SUN, lamp, etc; HOT WEATHER; MOTION: SHAKING; JAR; Bending head back; Injury; Wine; Suppressed menses; Fruits; Weight of hat; Hair cut.
Better: Open air; Elevating head; Cool things; Cold application, bathing, etc.