Jan Scholten
Secret Lanthanides
9.2 Europium carbonicum
Almost autonomous as a person
Understanding their self-worth
Finding approval on his own for his self-worth
Wise guy in the meaning of life
Wise guy to get self-worth
Rigidity in understanding
Almost autonomous through father
Almost autonomous in spite of father
Deep understanding through father
Father is almost autonomous
Father is quite independent
Father is a wise guy
Wise in spiritual matters
Almost autonomous as a person
They feel almost autonomous as a person. Autonomy is very strongly connected with being someone. Their self-worth depends on their autonomy. How can a person really be someone when he’s not independent? They are autonomous mostly, but there’s still some doubt if they really are independent. They fear that there can be situations that they haven’t thought about yet that might make them give up their autonomy. And with that they also will give up their self-worth.
Wise guy to get self-worth
Understanding and insight are very much connected with autonomy. They see that without insight, one is a victim of the environment instead of having it under control. Or that one is victim of one’s own instincts when one doesn't understand it. Understanding becomes one of the main goals, leading one to be a wise old owl. Being wise means being dignified.
Almost autonomous through father
Their father can give them the strength and will to be autonomous. Their father's wisdom is an example for them to be an independent human being, someone that can think for himself. Their father backs them up for self-confidence and independence. But they can also have the feeling that they are just not good enough or complete. Or they fear that their father will stop being there for them if they don’t master themselves completely.
Father is a wise guy
Their father can be a wise guy, a man that knows everything. And he can become quite convincing, trying to impose his vision onto others and onto his children. As a result the children can start to try to become as smart as he is but they will mostly fail. Every time they think they have found a new convincing argument their father has another answer. They keep holding on to the idea that they almost found the better argument but they just miss it.
Wise guy in spiritual matters
They can also have strong spiritual interests. They want to understand themselves and follow courses in self-development. They can become really educated in those fields, but still have the feeling that they lack the last essential insight. They want to understand the meaning of life, the essence of the creation and God but feel they lack something to enable them really to understand it.
Wegener’s disease