Jan Scholten
Secret Lanthanides
12.8 Dysprosium oxydatum
The whistle-blower
Fighting for self-control over their egotistical side
Keeping self-control in order not to be abused
Keeping self-control in the fight against corruption
Keeping corruption in control
Keeping egotism in control
Lonely fighter against corruption
Revenging corruption
Lonely fighter for neglected children
Lonely fighter because they feel neglected and despised
Fighting for autonomy in order not to be despised
Exaggerating independence is egotistical
Father has neglected his children to keep his autonomy
Fighting against poverty to retain independence
Lonely fighter and beggar
Lonely fighter for beggars
Fighting against the shadow
Fighting against the dirty, ugly side of the soul
Lonely fighter against corruption
They fight corruption in the world. Their have a strong aversion to dishonesty, hypocrisy and corruption. They are the whistle-blowers, exposing corruption as something dishonest, even when it will cost them their job. But that’s better than losing their dignity and autonomy. They prefer being despised to being dependent. They think that corruption is a big threat to the autonomy of people. They can become a fighter for neglected people and especially neglected children. They fight for the defenseless, those who are too weak to preserve their own independence.
They will also fight against poverty, of themselves and of others. This is because they see that poverty can lead to a loss of independence.
Father has neglected his children to keep his autonomy
Their attitude can be the consequence of being neglected by their father or mother. Their father has often neglected them out of a fear of losing his autonomy if he gave in to his children. Due to this neglect, they feel not noticed and recognized and start to fight the whole world. If they are not respected then at least they will show that they are free to do whatever they want. When others oppose them they will fight for their freedom with force.
Fighting against the shadow of the soul
In a later stage they start to see that the corruption in the world is also in themselves. Then the fight is transferred to the soul. They start to fight their own shadow, the dirty and ugly sides of their psyche. They see their shadow as a threat to their autonomy. The selfish aspect makes them a possible victim of corruption and will be a threat to their independence. They feel that they have to keep self-control in order not to abuse others or be abused.