Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Carbo animalisn
Carbo animalis
Old and feeble. Susceptible to colds, sprains or overaffected by small losses, etc. Venosity. Gummae. Slow, hard painful processes; burning like fire (Ars.), or threatening malignancy. Sense of looseness. Foul acrid discharges. Haemorrhage.
Whining. Brain seems loose or as if crown would split, > eating. Pains down through (r) eyeball (Gel.). Can't locate sounds. Nose, hard, red, swelled; hot, brown stripe across, with itching pimples and desquamation. Goneness in stomach; while suckling. All food distresses stomach. Abdomen, distended after operations. Right ovary seems a heavy ball. Neglected bubo. Pelvic bones pain on sitting. Dark menses; in morning only; then great weakness. Sore, moist anus (Carb-v.). Indurated os (Sep.). Suffocation on closing eyes; nervous dyspnoea. Hard, painful nodes in breasts. Bluish skin; cheeks, lips, affected parts, etc. Coppery eruptions on forehead. Crawling, as of bugs. Hard, swelled glands. Surgings or hot flushes. Foul, exhausting sweats; at night; staining yellow.
Worse: Slight causes: Small depletions; Sprains; Lifting; Cold taking; WHILE EATING; Dry, cold air; Shaving (Ox-ac; Rad;); Old age; After menses.
Better: Laying hand on part.