Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
622.72.03 Asarum canadense
English: Wild ginger.
French: Asaret.
Uniting the self-divided.
Sweat: scanty.
General: cancers, tumour; scrophula; obstructions.
Energy: cachexia, < convalescence.
Infection: typhus; bacteria, gram positive, pus forming; fungi.
Fever: low, alcoholism, dropsy, nerve excitement, malaria.
Nervous: rigour, < high fever.
Head: headache, levitation sensation.
Eyes: affections of operations.
Face: subcutaneous tissues swollen, eyes closed.
Nose: bad cold; catarrh; watery, irritating discharge.
Mouth: intense pain in the mouth.
Throat; pain, burning.
Lungs: tuberculosis; catarrh; whooping cough, sore throat, lung trouble, asthma.
Heart: pulse fast, weak.
Stomach: weak, cramps, pain; indigestion; nausea, vomiting; heartburn, water brash.
Abdomen: pain bowels, burning, spasms; gastro-enteritis, enteritis.
Rectum: swelling, pain and heat about the anus; diarrhoea; prolapse of rectum.
Urinary: urge constant; micturition difficult, painful.
Female: vulva swelling, pain, heat, labia majora, nymphae, vagina, burning; menses frequent, profuse; miscarriage in the early months; pain in labour; amenorrhoea from suppressed colds.
Limbs: thousand small sharp needles piercing, face, hands, forearm; burning wrists.
Skin: red, pimples, vesicles, blisters; subcutaneous tissues swollen, erysipelas, face, knee, hands, fingers; wounds; fistules; purified ulcers.