Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.45.11 Zingiber officinale
English: Ginger.
French: Gingembre.
Dutch: Gember.
Ailments from loss, separation, trauma of birth, separation from mother, from loved ones, homesickness, divorce.
Forgetful, weak memory.
Cheerful, good humoured, a pleasing sensation in her system.
Increased activity of brain.
Nervous and fidgety.
Irritable, < menses.
Very shy.
Safe, pleasant, comforting, warming, aphrodisiac.
Inhibited sexually, from not feeling protected.
Dream: throwing somersaults at an old man; dancing with an old man.
Dream: fire; frightful, anxious; cheerful, vivid; aspiring; churches.
Colour preference: 17AB.
Weather: chilly < evening, < menses.
Time: < evening.
Desire: thirst.
Food: water or food poisoning, < melons.
General: hereditary poisons, miasms; auto-immune diseases, lupus; dropsy.
Head: pain, confused, empty, as too large; frontal, over eyebrows; encircling head; hemicrania, sudden glimmering before eyes; congestion, temples.
Eyes: smarting, stinging, burning, as sand; < light; pressure, left; weak vision, dimness of cornea.
Face: hot, red; exhausted look, blue under eyes, < before menses.
Nose: obstructed, dry, intolerable itching; red pimples; acute colds and respiratory infections; ozaena; postnasal catarrh.
Mouth: dry lips; offensive breath.
Throat: scratching; larynx smarting below; hoarse.
Chest: stitches, pleurisy pains; asthma, breathing difficult, without anxiety, < morning; cough dry, hacking; copious morning expectoration.
Heart: violent stinging, pressing; left side of chest.
Stomach: pressure, as a stone, heavy, extending under sternum, < eating bread; empty; nausea, indigestion, dyspepsia, vomiting, < poisoned water or food; nausea, << motion, < pregnancy, < morning; heartburn.
Abdomen: colic; chronic catarrh; worms, parasites; liver hepatitis; spleen, pains.
Rectum: cutting pain, hot, sore, < pregnancy, red, inflamed; haemorrhoids hot, painful, sore; diarrhoea, dysentery, extremely lose bowels, << food poisoning; flatulence; constipation.
Back: pain, weak, lame, stiff, back of neck, with headache and nausea.
Male: itching of prepuce; sexual desire excited; painful erections; seminal emissions.
Female: menses, pain, cramps; too early; too profuse; blood dark, clotted.
Urinary: pain dull, aching, kidney; frequent urge; urethra orifice stinging, burning, oozing drops, yellow discharge; urine copious, thick, turbid, dark brown, albumin; strong smell; retention, suppression < after typhoid.
Limbs: joints feel weak, stiff, lame; dull, heavy, numb; cramps, soles palms; rheumatic drawing pains, deltoid; feet swelling, painful, uncomfortable, not know what to do; soreness heels after standing a long time.
Back: backache.
DD: Calcium; Robinia, Aloe.