William Boericke
Should prove curative in eczematous conditions, poison-oak, early typhoid states, etc.
Mind: Dull, cannot concentrate mind for study; forgets names; writes last letters of words first; misspells common words.
Head: Feels full, stuffed up, pain across forehead and above eyes. Great pressure at root of nose. Bewildered. Loss of consciousness. Pulsating headache.
Eyes: Painful, as of sand, smarting; difficult to focus for close work. Eyes feel sore, burn.
Nose: Stuffed; tightness at bridge of nose; acute nasal catarrh.
Face: Bloated in morning. Puffy under eyes.
Throat: Stitching pain upon swallowing.
Stomach: Feels full and heavy. Eructations sour; offensive, an hour after luncheon and dinner. Vomiting at 2 pm.
Abdomen: Intestinal flatulence. In morning rumbling in bowels, with desire for stool.
Rectum: Constipation, stools hard, small lumps. Difficult, soft stools, with much straining. Much flatus. Bearing-down pain in rectum.
Urine: Difficulty of retaining; dribbling when walking. Frequent urination at night.
Female: Bearing-down sensation. Vulva inflamed, with furious itching. Increased sexual desire, with ovarian and uterine pains and leucorrhoea.
Respiratory: Posterior nares raw; discharge thick, yellow mucus. Sneezing. Trachea sore; lumps feel constricted.
Back: Feels hot from sacrum to scapulae. Backache, extending down legs. Pain over kidneys. Heat deep in spine.
Extremities: Muscular lameness, trembling. Pain in knees. Limbs feel stiff (Rhus).
Skin: Erythema, with vesication and intense itching, stinging, and burning. Blisters, little lumps. Skin rough and cracked; feels like leather. Dermatitis, especially around knees. Inflammation resembling poison-oak. Inguinal glands and behind knee swollen.
Modalities: Worse, application of cold water, in afternoon and evening. Better, application of hot water, in morning, moving affected part.