Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
533.16.16 Welwitschia mirabilis
Names: Welwitchia bainesii.
English: Welwitchia; Tumboa; Tree tumbo.
Dutch: Tweeblaarkanniedood.
DD: Sulphur.
Source: proving Walter Glück
Mental agility, clear mind.
Confusion, in time, about past and present; his identity, sense of duality.
Delusion: being divided; not safe; must survive for the full.
Optimistic, independent.
Desire to be nursed.
Senses acute.
Theme: old age, death; threat.
Strong energy and instant deterioration when destroyed by man.
Dreams: 2, divided, duality; male and female, light and dark, old and young, black and white.
Dreams: men changed into women, women into men; embracing, merging with men, separated from man; child changed into old woman, old men changed into young men; transformation; sexual abuse; incest; naked people; homosexuality.
Dreams: being murdered, threatened; danger, dead people; explosion; coffin.
Dreams: going down, lift descending, looking down, going up and down; cleaning, dirty windows, old restored hotels; flying; big buildings because big rooms.
Weather: lack of vital heat.
Sweat: chest, < morning, < waking.
Sleep: deep, restless; waking after 4 am, frequent.
Head: headache, < morning.
Mouth: excoriation of lower lip.
Throat: dry, < on waking.
Heart: palpitation: oppression, sense of pressure.
Chest: pain, pressing.
Stomach: belching, sour; nausea; vomiting, sour, burning.
Abdomen: pain, cramping.
Urinary: urine retention; urination painful.