Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.51.16 Leptandra virginica
Names: Veronica virginica.
English: Virginia Speedwell, Culver's Root, Culver's Physic, Black Root, Tall Speedwell, Brinton Root, Tall Veronica.
They have the feeling that they have been cast out of the family. They feel they are not accepted by the family; maybe they are tolerated a little bit, but not really belonging to the core of the family. This feeds a growing bitterness and anger. On the other hand they still feel that they should back-up the family. This duality is very strong. In the end their bitterness can lead to talking about the dirt in the family, telling everyone the shameful things and even publishing them in newspapers or books.
Theme: you're not allowed to speak about the family, that's slander; keep it in the family.
Reserved, closed, taciturn, answering vaguely, avoiding.
Family oriented, the family against the world.
Ailments from not being able to have contact with father, slander of family members.
Dull, confused, thinking and memory difficult.
Speaking dirty about others, slander
Sex high; amorous, lascivious.
Hierarchy, in the family.
Sad, tearful, despondency, melancholia, entangled in their problems, complaining.
Hopeless. Hypochondriac.
Work impossible, indifference, lethargic.
Bitter, < deception
Aversion femininity.
Irritable, oversensitive to noise.
Disappointed many times, people have let him down many times.
Type: right side.
Weather: < wet weather.
Time: < 9 pm; periodical, every 2-3 months.
Desire: canine hunger, cold drinks.
Aversion: meat, vegetables.
Food: cold drinks.
Physical: > lying on abdomen, on side, motion.
Sleep: restless < night.
Energy: weak; drowsy.
Infection: malaria, yellow fever; fever bilious, typhoid.
Vertigo: giddy, faint << standing.
Head: headache, dull frontal.
Eyes: dull, smarting, aching; lachrymation; lids agglutinated.
Mouth: tongue coated yellow, ! black stripe and crack; taste flat.
Lungs: bronchitis.
Heart: !; sore; pulse slow, full.
Stomach: distress, sinking, with desire for stool; dyspepsia; vomiting bile.
Abdomen: distress, pain > stool, < rising to standing, extending to back; umbilicus pain, dull aching; ascites; cholecystitis, gallstones; pancreatitis; liver !, sore, dull, burning, aching shooting extending to bowels, umbilicus, spine, left scapula; jaundice, portal circulation weak; haemangioma !; swollen transversely.
Rectum: diarrhoea, typhoid, dysentery; something passes out of rectum; stools, black !, thick, tarry, thin, brown, muddy, profuse, foetid, mucus, flaky, yellow bile, blood, stringy, waxy, clay-colour, sour, acid, acrid; prolapse; haemorrhage, haemorrhoids, bleeding.
Female: menses suppressed, late; leucorrhoea, warm, watery, running down legs; ulcer cervix; genital itch < old people.
Urinary: urine red, orange, brownish, dark; kidneys dull; cystitis; dropsy.
Back: spine aching, chilly extending down right arm; lumbar distress, sharp.
Limbs: cold, numb; sciatica left, < sitting; gout.
Skin: dry, hot; yellow, jaundice; nails soft, thin, splitting.