Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.65.11 Veratrum album
Source: Klein.
The keynote is that they have ailments from loss of social position. This could easily be confused with Iron or Silver series but here it means that they want to be seen as big in their family, by their parents and their wife and friends. It is the Nitrogen quality of being the winner, the greatest of all combined with Stage 11 being on top and wanting to keep that position. It is a bit childish state as the continuation a of a child that always has been praised and complimented but that has not learned ways to endure hardships and problems.
They cannot imagine losing their state of being the best but unconsciously they have a big fear that that will happen anyhow. It is the Phase 6 quality of losing everything. When it happens it is a big shock. The shock can be seen emotionally but it is also a shock medically, with low blood pressure and all the associated symptoms.
Megalomania, haughty, delusion being a distinguished person, great person of rank, boaster, squandering money.
Manic depressive, < after labour.
Mania with frenzy, excitement, singing, laughing, talking, shrieking, cursing, cutting and tearing everything, especially clothes, or religious; eating stool; aimless wandering from home; sexual mania, amorous, shameless, lewd, lascivious talk, dancing naked, wants to be touched by little girls, < before menses.
Depression, melancholy, stupor, sitting, noticing nothing, sullen indifference, refusing to talk, inconsolable, << misfortune, < alone.
Nervous temperament.
Thinks she is pregnant or will soon be delivered.
Desire: glamour, best hotels; drugs.
Identity disturbance.
Censorious, dictatorial, bossy, insolence, abusive; cursing; howling all night, < contradiction.
Liar, deceitful.
Activity, useless, unreasonable, neurotic, repetitive.
Mission, preaching.
Alcoholism, aggressive, quiet, martini drinker types, socially acceptable, < haven't made it in society, loss of social position.
Fear: poisoned; accidents, being unprotected; losing his good position.
Desire: Country and Western music, about lost house, dog, wife, kids all left.
Delusion: cancer, blind, deaf, dumb, pregnant, thieves, robbers; impending misfortunes.
Dreams: amorous.
Delusion being Christ.
Dreams: anger, angry quarrels, strife; robbers.
Dreams: pursued by people, wild animals, cats, dogs, bitten, cannot escape.
Dreams: accident; drowning people; falling; hunting; jumping; bad luck; misfortune.
Dreams: confused; heavy; frightful; unremembered; vivid; anxious; exhausting; pleasant.
Type: sanguine.
Weather: < wet, cold weather, > warmth.
Sweat: copious, cold, forehead.
Time: < night.
Desire: alcohol, fruit, green fruit, juicy, cold drinks and food, ice, salt, spicy; voracious appetite; thirst.
Aversion: warm food.
Food: < fruit, < eggs.
Physical: > walking.
General: excessive dryness of all mucous surfaces.
Nervous: collapse, cold, cold sweat on forehead, face pale, pulse rapid feeble, blue, weak, shock, <<< operations, < vomiting, < diarrhoea, < stool; faints < least exertion; fever, chill, with extreme coldness and thirst.
Head: headache, + nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, pale face; contracted; lump of ice on vertex.
Eyes: dark rings; staring; turned upwards; without luster; lachrymation with redness; lids dry heavy.
Face: sunken; icy coldness, tip of nose; very pale, blue, collapsed, cold; tearing cheeks, temples and eyes.
Nose: pointed.
Mouth: tongue pale, cold, cool as from peppermint; dry in centre, = water; salty saliva; toothache, teeth feel heavy as if filled with lead.
Throat: hoarse, weak voice.
Lungs: cough, loud, barking, hollow, tickling, < drinking, cold water, < warm room, + blue face; expectoration difficult; rattling, coarse rales; chronic bronchitis in the aged; respiration rapid, audible.
Heart: palpitation, pulse irregular, feeble, intermittent, < anxiety, < feeble persons, < hepatic obstruction; tobacco heart from chewing.
Stomach: cold; irritability; nausea, purging, profuse violent retching, copious vomiting, forcible, < drinking, < least motion; anguish in pit; belching < cough; hiccough.
Abdomen: cold; sinking, empty; pain cramps, knotting, > stool; sensitive to pressure, swollen with terrible colic; hernia.
Rectum: inactive; constipation, of babies, < cold weather; stools large, straining until exhausted, + cold sweat; diarrhoea, very painful, watery, copious, forcibly; cholera.
Urinary: urination involuntary, < cough; urine escapes when coughing.
Female: menses too early; profuse, exhausting; dysmenorrhoea, + coldness, purging, cold sweat; endometrisosis.
Back: pain, < stooping; neck too weak to hold head up; sciatica, pains like electric flashes.
Limbs: sore, tender joints, cramps, knotting, legs, calves; neuralgia in brachial plexus; arms feel swollen, cold, paralytic; Raynaud.
Skin: blue, cold, clammy, inelastic, cold as death; wrinkling of hands and feet.
DD: Aconitum, Aluminium, Ammonium carbonicum, Arsenicum, Bovista, Bryonia, Carbo vegetabilis, Chelidonium, Cocculus, Hippozanin, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Nux vomica, Opium, Phosphoricum acidum, Plumbum, Sepia, Stramonium, Sulphur, Tabacum, Tarentula, Trillium.