Jan Scholten
Valeriana officinalis
Submissive, asking permission for everything from his wife.
Industrious, mania for work.
Ideas abundant, clearness; fancies exalted, vivid, lively.
Senses heightened, acute; oversensitive, smell, noise, visuals.
Eccentricity, ecstasy, elated, excitement, < climacteric, < fever, heat, < perspiration, + trembling, as coffee, as wine; exhilaration.
Hysteria, oversensitive, nervous, changeable, highest joy to deepest grief.
Mildness to grumbling, < fright, after.
Indifference, apathy, = eating, aversion to work.
Ideas deficient; unstable, unsettled; inconstant; senses dull; dull, sluggish, difficulty of thinking and comprehending, + excitement, < mental exertion, < vertigo.
Anger, irritable, impatience, agitation, tremulous, restless; impulse to move.
Despair; discouraged, discomfort, embittered, exasperated; hypochondriac; melancholy.
Screaming, wriggles or squirms, faint, < pain.
Self-criticism; > music.
Emotions dominated by intellect.
Feels light, as if floating in air.
Hallucinations at night.
Desire escape, attempts to escape, from a window.
Forsaken feeling. Heedless, careless.
Homesickness, nostalgia; desires to go home.
Sex desire high.
Nervous tension.
Fear: alone, dark.
Delusion: being a stranger in his own house.
Delusions: floating, swimming in air, being light; being incorporeal, immaterial; hearing; home away from; identity, errors of personal; images, phantoms; people beside him; poisoned; poor; room is desolate; sick; everything is strange and disagreeable; stranger.
Dreams: anxious, confused, exhausting, frightful; nightmare, pleasant, vivid.
Dreams: journey, water, sailing; many children; amorous.
Colour preference: 19AB, 15-16C, 18C.
Sensation: drawing, tearing, plug, wedge.
Weather: >< open air; < draught of air.
Sweat: sudden gushes, face, forehead; ameliorates.
Time: < noon, < early afternoon; towards evening until midnight, the hours before midnight; every two or three months; < twilight.
Desire: voracious hunger with nausea; milk, stimulants, tobacco, tonics, refreshing things.
Food: > meal, > breakfast, < fasting, < chamomilla tea; < milk; > tonics, refreshing things.
Sleep: insomnia; sleepless, + tossing and anxious and confused dream, < falling asleep, < pregnancy, < menopause; < after sleep, < on waking; nightly itching and muscular spasms, < excitement.
Physical: < sitting; drawing pains; < rest, < sitting, < standing; < touch: > motion, continued; > walking, > changing position, > rubbing; < stooping; < darkness; <<< poisoning, < narcotics, < allopathic medicines.
General: plague; cancer.
Action: sedative; anxiolytic; warming.
Fever: long lasting, disagreeable heat, with sweat on face; chilliness from neck down back; icy coldness.
Nervous: convulsions; central nervous system depression; toxic paralysis; epilepsy, < night, waking up and having to do something, without aura; << half sleep, <<< put in boarding school, start with jerking limbs, eyes rolling, < after sleep, < headache for 2 days; < injuries; faintness << pain.
Vertigo: feels light, as if floating, intoxicated, dizzy, whirling, < stooping.
Head: headache, full, rush of blood, pressing, forehead, suddenly, in jerks, > moving about, < sunshine; cold; pain occiput, < bending head back.
Eyes: weak; pierced from within outward; burning, smarting, pressure in the margins of the lids, sore, swollen; myopia; vision bright, light, sharp, sparks, objects seem too near eyes; styes.
Ears: pain, spasmodic, drawing, < draughts, < cold; nervous noises; hyperaesthesia.
Face: wild look; pain appears suddenly and jerks; muscles twitch; cheeks red and hot, < open air.
Mouth: taste, rancid, greasy, foetid, tallow, flat, slimy, bitter, on tip of tongue; < early in the morning; tongue thickly coated; white blisters on tongue and upper lip, painful < touched; toothache with shooting pain.
Nose: violent sneezing.
Throat: constricted; choking, < falling asleep; as if a thread were hanging down throat; lump.
Lungs: spasmodic asthma; respiration obstructed; croup; cough.
Heart: stitching; cramps; palpitations, pulse quick, small, weak.
Chest: anguish; sudden stitches; eruption, small, hard nodosities; cancer breasts; convulsive motion diaphragm.
Stomach: weak, indigestion; cramps, spasm; belching, foul like bad eggs; heartburn, + gulping of rancid fluid; nausea + hunger, + faintness; vomiting curdled milk, large lumps, < nursing, < mother's anger; something warm rising from stomach and causing suffocation.
Abdomen: bloated, inflated, hard; hysterical cramps, spasms, flatulence, < food, < night in bed; drawn in involuntarily.
Rectum: diarrhoea; stool thin, loose, watery, greenish, pap-like, bloody, lumps of coagulated milk; worms, ascaris; haemorrhoid pain; pain borings; bubbling pressure; prolapsed.
Male: neurasthenia of sexual organs; creeping, drawing, numb penis.
Female: neurasthenia of sexual organs; menses late, scanty, suppressed, < emotions; < pregnancy; < menopause; sick woman.
Urinary: urination frequent; straining; urine increased, white, red or turbid sediment.
Back: pain neuralgic, spine; lancinations in left lumbar region above hip, < standing, < sitting, than when walking.
Limbs: heavy, like lead; pain, rheumatic, drawing, tearing, lower limbs, hips, knees, legs, ankles, heels, < sitting, < standing; > motion, > walking, > open air; constant jerking; heavy; sciatica, < standing, < resting on floor, > walking, < stretching limbs, > walking; pain in heels, < sitting; pain, cramping, electric like shocks, left humerus, wakes from sleep; constant jerking; pain tensive, calves, to heel, < crossing legs; cramps in right biceps, < writing; cramps of hands and feet prevent sleep; legs feel light after walking; pain, tearing, rheumatic, shoulders, shoulder-blades; weak arms, wrists, knees, < excitement; bruised with falls; restless leg syndrome.
Skin: dry, warm; eruption, painful small nodosities, red, confluent, then white, hard; white miliaria on chest and back.