Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.27.11 Tylophora indica
Dreams: dead people, relatives, death, funerals, murder.
Weather: < cold, becoming, > open air, > cold applications.
Time: < 7 pm till 10 pm.
Energy: weakness, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, < diarrhoea.
Head: headache, forehead, above eyes, right, > open air, > closing eyes, > dark.
Eyes: pain: lids, upper, pressing; < headache, < 7 pm till 10 pm, > open air, > cold, > closing eye, < light, < reading.
Ears: pain.
Nose: catarrh, coryza.
Face: pain, pulsating; eyebrows, left; < reading.
Mouth: taste bitter.
Throat: pain; < night, > warm applications, < cold; > warm drinks, > warm food, < swallowing, < talking; + coughing.
Lungs: respiration difficult, with cough, > rubbing chest gently.
Chest: pain, < cough.
Abdomen: pain, cramping, griping, hypochondria, < lying, < sitting, > vomiting, > pressure, > flatus.
Rectum: pain, < cold applications, < stool; anus, itching, burning, < washing, > cold applications, < stool; diarrhoea < night, < cold food; flatus offensive, < stool; stool brown, dry, soft first, hard, later, undigested, offensive, scanty, watery.
Urinary: bladder pain, > rubbing, < urination; urethra pain, burning, < urination; urine dark yellow.
Back: backache, pain, dorsal, between scapulae, < morning, < motion, of head; lumbar, lumbosacral articulation, extending thigh, aching, dull, < bending forward, < lying, on back, < motion, > pressure, > warmth; hip pain, left, extending to thighs, > sitting, < walking; calves pain, cramping, left, extending to ankle, < pressure, < sitting, < standing, < walking.