Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.64.04 Tulipa gesneriana
Source: Gio Meijer; Ulrike Keim.
Primarily busy with people close by, family, household.
Solid, reliable, conservative, stubborn, blunt.
Aversion new information, unknown, new or strange ideas.
Restless and frustrated, < not succeeding according to their own views and high standards.
Economical, in actions, financially.
Opinion can only be changed after strong evidence of the contrary.
Perfectionistic, preparing for the worst, workaholics.
Fear of too much pressure.
Reserved, withdrawn.
Mental, emotions of sadness and joy are experienced more mentally than sensed emotionally.
Serve a higher purpose, vaguely felt, very religious but in their own way.
Bit haughty, inner pride.
Delusion: body being covered by a second elastic skin.
Trance, knowing out of body.
Dreams: family, home, helping, restaurant, mother, wedding, dogs, labour, naked, flowers, poisoned, towels, bed sheets, old writings, roof, thread from head.
Dream: pulling towels from under stones in nature.
Dream: escaping from a tower with a clock, the public watches me, is in favour of me.
Dream: a couple repairs the roof of their house, the wife falls but ends on her feet.
Dream: talking with friends in the train about partners, she says she is unsure if he is the right one, I say I am sure, my friend is making the roof.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Weather: chilly, cold, in back.
Energy: weak, as if exerted too much.
Head: pain, pressing, dull, forehead, vertex.
Eyes: burning, itching.
Ears: itching.
Nose: itch.
Rectum: stool much.
Urinary: urine copious, dark yellow, green.
Limbs: heavy legs.
Skin: dry.