Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.65.03 Trillium erectum, Trillium pendulum
English: Birthroot.
The official name of Trillium pendulum is Trillium erectum. The keynote is pelvic instability, especially during and after pregnancy. It gives rise to pain in the sacral region, pelvis, hips and symphysis, which is typically better by pressure, by being held together by a band and worse from motion and walking. This symptom indicates Stage 3, nothing works together, getting scattered in many directions.
There is a fear of being torn apart during labour, as if their pelvis would get pressed into pieces. Added to that is a fear of birth as a dirty, animal like experience, where they will be seen as dirty and will never be seen as attractive anymore.
Parents who still study.
Intellectual, study and read a lot as children.
Control emotions.
Agitated depression.
Conflict sex and religion.
Dreams: festivities, sleigh rides.
General: haemorrhage, copious, active, passive, bright red, from nose, lungs, kidneys, uterus; tendency to putrescence of fluids.
Vertigo: flooding, with fainting.
Eyes: round, big, alert; penetrating look; dim sight.
Face: pale, faint.
Nose: nosebleed; profuse, passive, bright red; obstruction.
Ears: noises.
Mouth: bleeding after tooth extraction.
Lungs: cough, troublesome, expectoration bloody, copious, purulent; incipient tuberculosis.
Heart: palpitation.
Stomach: painful sinking at pit.
Female: !; menorrhagia, profuse, gushing, bright red, every two weeks, dark, clotted, < least movement, < overexertion, < long a ride, < displaced uterus, < menopause.
Back: !!; as if hips and small of back were falling to pieces, apart, broken, > bandages tightly.
DD: Aesculius, Calcium phosphoricum, Ferrum, Hamamelis, Kreosotum, Ipecauanha, Millefoiium, Sabina, Sarsaparilla, Thlaspi, Ustilago.