Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.42.05 Toxicodendron radicans, Rhus radicans
English: Poison ivy.
Culture: movies: husband killing his wife for money and starting an affair; movie: wife killing her husband’s murderer of and being imprisoned.
They feel suppressed by family or partners, by a tyrannical and alcoholic father or a nasty stepmother. The theme of Cinderella, who is special but disrespected, not seen in her glory. They feel neglected, used, abused, despised, being treated as an outcast. Often they are maltreated and abused by their father. Their parents can be aggressive and alcoholic.
They feel special, like a princess. They can be a spiritual and intellectual authority. They have the idea that they have good insight, are creative and can tell people essential things. But often they are not seen as special, they are unappreciated for who they are. They can feel humiliated, put down or belittled. Or they can start doing it to themselves.
Stuck, imprisoned.
Feels handicapped, dependent, cannot move.
Restlessness, always on the move.
Not cared, discouraged.
Timid, shy, soft.
Relationships difficult, forbidden
Delusion: syphilis is punishment from God.
Fight, quarrels with mother-in-law, with husband, < extramarital relationships.
Formal, adjusting all the time, compromising.
Feeling of being harassed; she feels she cannot come out of it.
Fear: ghosts, about family, society.
Bankruptcy from being betrayed in business.
Working hard, like a slave.
Feels divided, as if 2 persons: one good and optimistic, the other dark and pessimistic.
Fear: being cheated, killed, causing an accident.
Dream: being made a stiff, golden statue.
Dream: sea, water.
Dream: climbing higher and higher, on a high building, then falling.
Dream: sophisticated city with sophisticated people destroyed by nuclear war, dark.
Dream: big master without a face humiliating him and other children, as slaves, inducing hatred, felt cold.
Sensation: caught, stuck, restricted, constricted, stiff, tight, tension, bandaged; cramps, pressing; lump, plug; band.
Weather: < cold, < north east, cold wind; < cold open-air.
Time: < 7 pm.
Desire: cold milk, dainties; lemonade, cashew, mango, pistachio, almond.
Aversion: bread, beer, coffee, meet, wine.
Food: < coffee; < beer; > eating; < cold water.
Sleep: restless.
Physical: > motion, < sitting, < rest, < in house.
Nervous: paralysis, lower body, right side; immobile.
Head: headache, < beer.
Eyes: pressing, out of head; vision of irregular waves, objects seem pale.
Mouth: salivation, < coffee; tongue tip is dry; teeth feel elongated and lose.
Stomach: ache, vomiting.
Abdomen: hepatitis, jaundice.
Back: neck stiff.
Limbs: arthritis; myalgia; problems of aponeuroses, tendons, joints, < strain, < sprains, < overexertion; cellulitis; left side is shorter, right side longer; knee pain, < lying, < squatting, > walking, > hot application.
Skin: herpetic eruptions, erysipelas; itching, burning, > hot applications.