Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Rhus toxicodendronn
Rhus toxicodendron
An infectious irritant, exciting TYPHOID, RHEUMATIC OR PARETIC EFFECTS. NIGHTLY SHOOTING, STITCHING, TEARING PAINS; CAN'T REST IN ANY POSITION. Grippe. Variola. Sore, bruised or STIFF. Flesh feels beaten or torn loose. Dislocative sensation. Twitching muscles. Crawling. Numbness. Trembling. Burning, swelling and lividity. Cellulitis. Acrid, rusty-red, meat water or musty secretions; causing eruptions. Scraping, gnawing or tearing loose in periosteum.
Sad, anxious, depressed or beclouded. Slow answers. Low delirium. Whirling vertigo; then headache. Shattering or loose feeling in brain; < jar. Board-like pressure in forehead. Painfully stiff scalp, > lying on it. Pain behind eyes; < motion. Eyelids, stiff; adherent; dry; firmly closed. Profuse, hot, gushing tears. Photophobia. Vertical diplopia. Saccular conjunctivitis. Red, sensitive tip of nose; it drips water. Roseola. Nose-bleed; at night. Violent aching in bones of nose. Face-ache. Maxillae crack; easily dislocated; pains in. Red spot on left cheek. Swelled, stiff face. Dry, cracked, crusty lips; herpes on. Sordes. Bloody saliva runs during sleep. Teeth feel loose. TONGUE; RED TRIANGLE AT TIP; coated diagonally or on one side only; dry red center; cracked, stiff, sore. Coppery or straw-like taste. Red, puffy, itching fauces. As of chamois skin stuck on tonsils. Sorethroat (l) in morning; with swelled glands. Craves cold drinks, although they < cough, chill, etc. Vomits from coughing, lying on back, etc.; fecal. Abdomen sore; swashing in; as of a lump in. Ileocaecal symptoms. Stools watery, frothy or bloody; foul; brick red; slimy; gelatinous; involuntary or with tenesmus, < drinking. Piles, < lifting. Genitals, oedema, < prepuce; itching; swelled. Nephritis. Metritis; septic. Chest pains on using arms. Dry, hoarse, tearing, tormenting cough, from tickling behind upper sternum; with bloody taste. Sudden hypostasis or oedema of lungs. Palpitation; > motion. Heart; feels tired; hyper-trophy; pains going down left arm. Shingles. Stiff neck. Inter-scapular pain, < swallowing. Contractive or breaking backache, > hard pressure, walking about or bending backward. Lumbago. Coccyx aches into thighs. Numb, prickling limbs. Arms nervous and shaky, (l). Paralytic pain in elbows. Rhagades on backs of hands. Palms, dry, hot, cracked and sore; washing causes burning. Pains down back of thighs; < stool. Sciatica. Legs feel dead, wooden; cramp in calves; gangrenous ulcer, runs bloody water; itching. SKIN; stiff; thick; dry; hot; itching; burning; < warmth; painful to cold air. Fine VESICULAR, crusty, eczematous, moist or ERYSIPELATOUS ERUPTIONS, < genitals; alternating with dysentery. Pus erodes the hair. Rhus poisoning. Milk-crust. Baker's itch. Vesicles over abscess. Weeping ulcers. Dreams, laborious; of blood; awakes tired or nervous. Weak, rapid, sharp, tremulous or irregular pulse. Easily chilled; < least uncovering; with pains in limbs; < cough, etc. Chill as if dashed with cold water or cold water in veins; preceded by cough; alternating with heat; in single parts. Heat with busy delirium. Sweat, < during pain; with sleepiness.
Region: SKIN, Face; Scalp; Genitals; Blood; Tissues, Cellular; Ligaments; Fibrous; Joints; Mucous membranes; GLANDS, Pyer's; Parotid; NERVES, CORD; Sciatic; Left side or left to right.
Worse: EXPOSURE TO: WET, cold; Air; WASHING; Chill or draft; When hot or sweaty; Uncovering, hands, etc; BEGINNING MOTION; REST; Before storms; SPRAINS; Overexertion; AFTER MIDNIGHT.
Better: Continued motion; HEAT: Wraps; Bath; If heated; Rubbing; Nose-bleed; Holding abdomen.