Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
642.16.13 Tinospora cordifolia
Names: Sanskrit Guduchi; Gulancha.
Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending.
Sadness, despondency, depression, melancholy.
Sensation: burning.
Sweat: profuse, palms, feet.
Time: < afternoon.
Desire: drinks.
Aversion: food, loss of appetite.
Energy: weakness, extreme, < repeated attacks of fever, < exhausting seminal emissions.
Infection: malarial fever, dropsy, difficulty passing urine.
Head: pain in the right occipital region, heaviness of forehead, heaviness of left temple; heaviness, aching of the occipital region, right sided headache.
Eyes: burning; throbbing of the left upper lid and right lid, shaking of the right lower lid and upper lid.
Ears: burning.
Mouth: burning; flow of salty water; swelling of the gums.
Throat: burning.
Lungs: cough dry.
Heart: palpitation; anaemia.
Chest: pain in the left ribs, aching of the sternum, throbbing of the left chest; pain in the chest during expectoration, aching of the sternum; aching and pain in the right ribs; throbbing pain in the right ribs, pulse 75 and respiration 18 in a minute.
Stomach: indigestion; vomiting bilious, watery fluid; retching; nausea; aching epigastrium.
Abdomen: burning; aching flatulence; liver torpid, jaundice; enlargement of liver, spleen.
Rectum: burning; piles without bleeding, stitching, burning, itching anus; stool soft, sufficient, free, hard, diarrheic, insufficient; constipation, ineffectual urging; anus closed, narrowed; worm.
Urinary: urine scanty, frequent, foamy, burning, sufficient, insufficient, mixed with pus.
Male: gonorrhoea; weakness, < seminal emissions; secondary syphilis.
Back: pain, aching, stitching, right neck, right scapulae.
Limbs: elephantiasis; gout; leprosy; pain burning, stitching, shoulder and back; aching, burning, left arm, right wrist, hands, legs, knees, thighs; burning left palm, fingers, tips; pain, left groin, hip; burning sensation between the toes.
Skin: urticaria; eczema.