Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.55.09 Thymus serpyllum
French: Serpolet.
Sharp discords in the marriage, almost divorcing.
Cannot tolerate the tyrannic and discontented spouse.
Dictatorial, domineering, dogmatic, despotic; he is right, others are wrong.
Irritability, rage, < least opposition, < trifles, < must have his own way.
Ambitious, much ambition.
Self control; wants to control himself.
Busy, industrious; mania for work, mental; > occupation and diversion.
Indolence: aversion to work.
Reproaches himself because he had not accomplished enough.
Passionate; satyriasis.
Cheerful, morale elevated.
Excited, overexcited, constant agitation; nervous; loquacity, < heat.
Sedative, depressed.
Delusion: unappreciated.
Dreams: teeth falling off.
Sensation: cramping pains.
Weather: lack of vital heat.
Sweat: profuse, offensive, face, breast, head; like an adult in a child.
Time: < morning.
Desire: cold drinks, water.
Aversion: vinegar; food, appetite lost.
Sleep: sleepless.
Energy: weak, prostration.
Fever: with heat and chilliness.
Vertigo: turning movements.
Nervous: collapse; contractions; tremors, anaesthesia, nerves felt all run down; motor incoordination.
Head: pain, pressing, temples; baldness.
Ears: ringing; deafness.
Face: hair growth, in child’s face.
Throat: dry; exanthema; pain burning, sore, as of a grape pulp, chronic, > drinking, > breakfast, < empty swallowing; capillary blood vessels distended, bursting, dark, congestion; hyperthyreoidy.
Lungs: infections, in children; dry nervous asthma; expectoration scanty and difficult; cough, dry constant, persistent, paroxysmal, painful; whooping cough, severe spasms, in children.
Heart: palpitation; pulse full.
Chest: pain, < cough.
Stomach: pain, burning, pressing; nausea; vomiting, tinged with blood.
Abdomen: rumbling.
Rectum: stool dry, copious; diarrhoea; haemorrhoidal discharges.
Urinary: urine increased, watery, dark, cloudy, brown, brownish yellow, later reddish brown, indican, uric acid, smell of violets.
Male: pain, constricting, crushed, sore, bruised testes, left, < touch, > walking slowly and with his legs apart; pain burning smarting, stitching, tingling, pricking, needle like, urethra, < urination, < before sleep; painful erections, < night; urethritis.
Female: menses painful; dysmenorrhoea; leucorrhoea.
Limbs: pains, stiff, sore, dull aching, right shoulder, < motion; pain knee; spasmodic twitching, contractions of rectus and vastus externus; dull ache in right groin.
Skin: cold; scarlatinous roseola; red papules; eruption, pustules, face, cheek, neck; wounds; hairy.