Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.55.13 Teucrium scorodonia
English: Wood Sage; Wood Germander.
Searching for own being, self.
Disappointment, < not developing.
Feels controlled by superior powers, disease, that he cannot control or fight against.
Aversion authorities, injustice, domineering father, teased by older brother.
My truth is important and others should not disturb this.
Confusion about choices in life, if facts for real, for truth.
Oppressed by too much excitement; overwhelmed
Passionate; sexuality and activity.
Craves sympathy.
Dulled, beclouded.
Excitement, enjoyment, vivid, pleasant, tremulous, stirring, well being, fresh, euphoria, satisfaction.
Exhilaration, rush of ideas, full of projects, loquacity, vivacity, singing.
Irritated; fault finding
Depression insufferable; feels bad, pessimistic, sad, hopeless, melancholy.
Open person but closed about deeper feelings.
Sharp fights against his disease.
Brother teased him, felt not protected by parents.
Ailments from loss, diseases or death of parents, relatives, friends.
Dreams: snakes; lively; exciting; preventing sound sleep.
Sensation: sticking; as a stick.
Weather: chilly; < warmth
Sweat: copious, disagreeable, warm; prolonged, < evening, < slight exertion, < feverish colds.
Time: < 1 pm; > morning.
Desire: drinks, ice cold, < night.
Aversion: food, appetite lost.
Sleep: sleepless, restless, < heat.
General: emaciation.
Energy: weakness, exhaustion, relaxation and aversion to exertion, in afternoon.
Fever: chilliness; disagreeable; severe, in evening.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Head: pain, dull, aching, violent, pressing, congestion, forehead, over eyes, < evening, > heat.
Eyes: burning; pain pressing; grain in right canthus, < afternoon.
Ears: pain, aching, sticking, burning, pulsating; roaring.
Nose: pain, pressing, over root; red dorsum; raw; stopped, < awaking; coryza; discharge mucus, fluent, severe, profuse, thin, watery, bland, white, yellow, thick; sneezing, > fresh air; catarrh; allergic rhinitis, chronic, < house dust; hayfever, < summer, watery discharge, lacrymation; polyps; obstruction; sinusitis, ethmoid.
Face: pains, tearing, jaws, extending to ears.
Mouth: salivation copious.
Mouth: sharp stitches in tip of tongue; toothache, wandering.
Throat: dry; sore; tickling, hawking; pain scratchy, sticking, dry hawking; pain, violent sticking, as of a needle or fish bone, right tonsil, > ice cold drinks.
Lungs: rattling breath; cough, scratchy, rough, dry, hacking, rattling, constant, < hawking, < stitches in right tonsil; expectoration mucous, purulent; tuberculosis; asthma; cavity in apex.
Chest: pain, dull, constricting, pressing, < hawking cough.
Stomach: pains, pressure; fullness; eructations displaced.
Abdomen: pain, violent, lumbar, < night; full, flatulence.
Rectum: diarrhoea; urging, sudden, then gushing; stool soft, profuse, thin, slimy.
Urinary: pain, stitching, pressing, right kidney; discharge, thin, profuse thick, light yellow, < urination, < morning; gonorrhoea; tuberculosis; urine scanty; dropsy.
Male: orchitis; tuberculous epidymitis; venereal disease.
Female: menses profuse, unbearable cramps.
Back: pain, neck, deep, < turning head, < undressing; pain, sensitive, cervical and submaxillary glands; stitches between scapulae at night.
Limbs: pain, shooting, arm, ulnar nerve; pain rheumatic, sticking, wrist; pain, thumb, ball, < grasping, > cool bathing; pain sudden, knee, < walking; feet icy cold; bone pain, tuberculosis; icy cold feet.
Skin: moist; sore; swellings, nodes; bruises, falls, wounds; ulcers, boils, furuncle, buttock; psoriasis.