Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and the Elements
5.16 Tellurium
Tellurium has long been known as a homoeopathic remedy. But it has mainly been prescribed on physical symptoms such as sciatica or ear infections, because the mental / emotional picture was not clear. Julian (1979 page 499 and 1984, page 305) has described a proving done by Reaside. Peters (personal comment) has recognised the theme of ‘gone down’ in one of his cases.
The name is derived from the Latin word ‘tellus’, meaning earth. It was discovered in 1782. It is heavier than Iodum although it has a lower atomic number. It has some metallic and some non-metallic properties. It is quite similar to Selenium.
It is used together with Selenium and Bismuth to make tiny refrigeration units based on thermo electric effects. Other uses are: radio detectors, silver alloys to retain shine, disinfectants. colouring of silver bromide in photography and semi conductors. It increases the electrical and heat conductivity when it is combined with other metals. It is also used as a catalyst in the vulcanisation of rubber.
Stage 16 Silver series
Lost Creation Inspiration
Used up Ideas culture
Expectation Unique Admiration
Tempting Aesthetics: Beautiful Ugly
Deepen Art Science Mysticism
Remembering Show Performance
Imagination Fantasy Queen Ambition
Reconciliation Hurt Humiliation
Using up Sexuality
Neglecting Lazy Middle age
Rotting Town Province
Dwindling Voice Hearing
Lost creativity.
Expecting admiration.
Experimental art: extravagant.
Tempting with tricks.
Using up your creations.
Giving away your creations.
The theoretical artist.
Theorising about designs.
Living on your reputation.
Professor in retirement.
The veteran top sportsman.
Picture of Tellurium
Essence: neglecting your creativity.
The loss of creativity
They feel that their creations are no longer accepted by the general public. They have come to the end of their career and it is only the goodwill of the people that keeps them going. They are not taken seriously anymore. They don’t take themselves seriously either, but they still get very angry when they are not being accepted or understood. This feeling often comes about after several big projects have failed.
It can also be the situation of someone who has had it too easy, who has never had to exert himself to create something and who therefore doesn’t take his own talents very seriously.
Neglected as an artist
They often give their power away so they no longer have a grip on what is happening. Or they handed over their financial affairs to an agent so they no longer have a say in the matter. This is also a a way of handing over responsibility.
Experimental art: extravagant
They become interested in experimental art. They have grown tired of the well trodden paths and are searching for freedom by indulging in all sorts of experiments. They are really different from the rest. Their creations are extraordinary. They are the musicians who like to improvise. It also saves them the trouble of having to study and rehearse their pieces, so it makes life a lot easier. They tend to be be quite provocative, they like to see the reaction when they produce something strange. They like to lure their audience with clever tricks.
Neglecting their unique creativity
Their creativity is going downhill and they tend to neglect it. In the beginning they will continue to make new designs, but they don’t bother with the final product anymore. Their presentation become more and more shabby and disorganised and they don’t take themselves seriously anymore. Later on their designs become fewer and fewer because they think that it is wasted on the general public anyway.
Fantasies and memories of the good old days of fame
Eventually all that is left is the memory of the old days when they were still famous. They tend to fantasise about all sorts of abstracts ideas, about art and about the things they would have created. It is a dream world in which they create the most wonderful things. And when others remind them that these days are over they feel very upset.
Expecting admiration
They expect to be admired, even if they do very little to deserve it. If their experimental and extravagant designs aren’t immediately recognised as something very special they become indifferent towards their audience. They’ll become slack and careless because they expect to be dismissed anyway. This careless presentation causes the public to lose interest very quickly and so they get into a vicious circle. They make very little effort to convince people that what they are presenting is really something worthwhile. They expect others to recognise the uniqueness of their creations without any further explanation. And so they become indifferent to fame and admiration. They may even provoke the public and create an adverse reaction. Eventually they start to neglect themselves and turn into a shabby artist. Hence their own dislike for shabby types, drug users and other ‘down and outs’.
Living on past reputations
Although they know that they have lost the fame they once had, they simply can’t believe it. ‘I used to make the most wonderful things, I used to be really famous, where has it all gone?’ They prefer to live in the past, the world of memories is infinitely better than the present reality.
The veteran sportsman
This is the top sportsman after his career has come to an end. He still plays in the odd veteran competition or charity tournament, but all that is left of the great days is memories and photograph albums.
Fears: heights, narrow spaces, shows, performances, speeches, being touched, looked at or threatened, accidents.
Dreams: heights, falling, smoking cigars.
Mood: haughty, cheerful, sensitive to atmospheres, serene quiet, indifferent, gloomy, crying.
Irritability: grumpy, angry, violent, temper tantrum, < humiliation and hurt.
Mental: dull, absent minded, forgetful about business.
Hobbies: music, singing, parties, top sports.
Work: <-.
Professions: artist, painter, writer, scientist, singer, musician, teacher, doctor, priest, vicar, bishop, shaman, governor, secretary, representative, advertising agent, public relations officer, top sport man, -woman.
Causes: disasters, humiliation, hurt.
Locality: left, upper part, right lower parts, left handed.
Weather: warm, outside.
Perspiration: profuse << exertion, smells of garlic.
Time: < 5 am and 9 pm; periodical, every week; gradual.
Desires: melon, apples, chocolate, vegetables, fruit (3), ice-cream, bread, salt, cold drinks.
Aversion: melon, fish, crab, meat, tobacco.
Food: < melon, rice.
Menses: profuse.
Sleep: sleeplessness, < lack of sleep; sleepy. falls asleep while doing things, narcolepsy.
Physical: < laughing, sneezing, coughing, being touched; < pressure, lying on affected side, rest, rubbing.
Cancer. Weakness.
Bruised pains, stitching, burning, radiating; itching.
Vertigo. Neuropathy. Demyelisation.
Headache above left eye, neck, congestive.
Eye: inflammation of iris, choroid and conjunctiva; infiltrations, cataract < accidents; pterygium; lachrymation; visual disturbance.
Ear infections (3) with watery, stinking, acrid discharge, which may cause eczema. Yellow, grey or green discharge. itching in ear, radiating to throat. Loss of hearing.
Colds with watery discharge; blocked nose. Hawks mucus from nose to throat.
breath smelling of garlic (3), metallic taste, no appetite, injuries of the liver (Dreisbach).
Problems with voice: hoarseness (2), loss of voice, stammering.
Lung complaints.
Pain in stomach, heartburn, nausea; stomach feels empty and weak, after headache, + fainting.
Problems with testes, ovaries and genitalia.
Urine smells of ammonia.
Sciatica (3), < laughing, sneezing, coughing, pressing during stool, warmth, lying on left side; + tingling on lateral side of thigh and foot. Pain in back, dorsal area.
Pain in neck, stiffness, arms. Pain in hollow of elbow, muscles too tense, radiating to hand. Hamstring tendons too tight.
Ringworm. Eczema on hands and feet, ears and occiput, itching and stinking.
DD: Silver series, Stage 16, Allium cepa, Arsenicum album, Chininum sulphuricum, Phosphorus, Radium bromatum, Rhus toxicodendron, Sepia, Tetradym, Tuberculinum.
DD Antimonium: is angry about losing fame, he wants to be heard but everybody pushes him aside. Tellurium has accepted the fact that nobody wants to know about him anymore. He doesn’t even want to stoop so low as to speak to the general public, because they wouldn’t understand anyway.