Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.24.09 Strychnos ignatii, Ignatia
Ignatia is known for ailments after grief, especially the death of a relative. It has been given as a first remedy in many kinds of grief. The special character is that they had a high ideal in their mind and that ideal broke down. It is a shock, even worse so because they did not foresee it. Added to the grief is self-reproach. Many ideas crowd their mind of what they could and should have done to prevent the disaster, or what they should have done before the other died. It makes them cramped; thinking what happened should be reversed. Hysterically they try to make it good again, even when it is impossible.
They are very sensitive to any external impression, but the worst is criticism. They cannot stand to be talked about, because that destroys their self-image, which is already fragile. They feel they have do their best, even more than all of the time.
Ailments from fright, shock, grief, worry, shame, mortification, hurt, humiliation, dishonour, degraded, criticised, punishment, disappointed love, divorce, choosing people from lower status, divorce of parents, death of parents, family members, loved ones, husband, friends.
Delusion one is never good enough at what one does.
Delusion: neglected duty, crime, doomed, bankruptcy, poverty, left alone.
Choosing a partner lower in social status.
Changeable, erratic, contradictory, unpredictable, moody, alternating moods, contradictions, hysteria.
Inconstant, impatient, irresolute, nervous, easily excited, apprehensive, rigid, quarrelsome.
Romantic, idealistic, sentimental; mild.
Remorse, guilt, regret; feels trapped.
Ambitious, perfectistic, workaholic, overwork, artistic, creative.
Intelligent, quick to perceive, alert, rapid in execution.
Independent, desires freedom, liberty.
Sensitive, oversensitive, hyperaesthesia, all senses, to pain, grief, failure, humiliation, contradiction.
Anger, < slight emotion, < reprimands, < offended, < scolded, < angry with himself, < bad news, < vexation.
Introspective; silently brooding; silent grief, not communicative, < consolation.
Melancholic, frustrated, sad, despair, tearful; sighing and sobbing; sulking.
Anorexia < grief. Feminist.
Cold, hard, frigid, jealous, < disappointments.
Fear: losing contact, disease, cancer, birds, chicken, open places, crowds, robbers, narrow places.
Dreams: amorous, lewd, lascivious, voluptuous.
Dreams: buried alive; murdered; abortion; accidents; hunger; falling; ghosts, spectres.
Dreams: cruelty, disappointments; disease, sick people; being drowned; suffocation.
Dreams: excelling in mental work; intellectual; scientific; literary matters; studies; failures; humiliation; mortification; vexatious.
Dreams: horrid; repeating, persistent, fixed ideas; reflections and deliberations; monomania.
Sensation: cramp; small spot.
Type: female; dark hair.
Weather: < draught of air, < open air; > warmth; flushes.
Time: < morning, < same hour.
Desire: acid, variety, indigestible.
Aversion: fruit, ordinary food.
Food: < tobacco, < meals, < coffee, < smoking, < liquids; > eating.
Sleep: light; sleepless, < grief, < cares, with itching of arms and violent yawning.
Physical: > change of position, >< touch, > pressure.
Fever; chill, + red face, + thirst, = > external heat, without thirst, < by covering; plague.
Nervous: twitching, jerking, chorea; clonic spasms, single limbs, neck, whole body; torticollis, beating herself, opisthotonus, < falling asleep; convulsions; faint, collapse; ataxia, cerebellum inflammation.
Head: hollow, heavy, < stooping; headache, congestive, as if a nail were driven, temple, side, left, < anger, < grief, < smoking, < smelling tobacco, > head forward.
Eyes: spasms of lids; neuralgic pain about eyes; vision weak; flickering zigzags.
Ears: roaring, > by music; deaf > voices.
Face: twitching, lips; changes colour, < rest; cramp-like pain over root of nose; sweat, small spot, < eating.
Mouth: taste sour; bites inside of cheeks; saliva copious, constant; toothache, < coffee, < smoking; excoriation around mouth.
Throat: lump; choking; sore, stitches, > swallowing, > eating something solid, extend to ear; tonsils inflamed, swollen, with small ulcers; follicular tonsillitis.
Nervous: spasm of glottis; little expectoration, leaving pain in trachea.
Lungs: cough, dry, hollow, spasmodic, reflex, in quick successive shocks, < cough, < evening, < standing still; sighing; hyperventilation, breathing difficult, > deep breath, > sighing; expiration loud.
Heart: palpitation, cramp.
Stomach: all-gone; cramps, < slightest contact, < menses; belching, sour; much flatulence; hiccough; hysterical vomiting; sinking in stomach, >> deep breath; empty = eating.
Abdomen: weak, throbbing, upper abdomen; rumbling in bowels; colic, griping pains in one or both sides of abdomen, < menses.
Rectum: itching, stitching, deep, haemorrhoids, < cough; prolapse; stools difficult; painful constriction of anus after stool; diarrhoea << fright; haemorrhage and pain, < when stool is loose, > walking; pressure as of a sharp instrument from within outward; constipation, < carriage riding, paralytic, + excessive urging; prolapse, < straining, < stooping, < lifting, < when the stool is loose; haemorrhoids; prolapse, < stool, have to be replaced; sharp stitches, < stool.
Urinary: urine profuse, watery.
Female: menses, black, too early, too profuse, scanty; sexual frigidity; amenorrhoea < grief; << hysterectomy; excoriation vagina.
Limbs: jerking, < going asleep; pain Achilles tendon, calf; ulcerative pain in soles; tight shoulders and neck.
Skin: itching, nettle-rash, urticaria, < fever.