Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.34.17 Stillingia sylvatica
English: Queen root; Queen's Delight.
Anger, suppressed, due to loyalty to parents, mother, family.
Fear: death, disease, incurable, happen.
Gloomy forebodings, depressed.
Walking around things, never reaching the nucleus.
Desire to break free, be unbound and not tied up.
Have committed an unpardonable crime.
Highest and sole responsibility.
Failure: complete despair.
Self destructive like alcoholism.
Catatonic withdrawal, total indifference.
Captain of a sinking ship.
Fear: death, disease, incurable, happen.
Extreme torture from pains.
Desire to become the leader.
Tells the opposite.
Promoting discords, doubts, gradually, secretly.
Sensation: tight, constricted; sharp, shooting, darting.
Type: hydrogenoid.
Weather: < cold or to air; < damp air; > dry air.
Time: < afternoon, < 3 pm.
Desire: spices, condiments, highly seasoned food; vinegar; food, appetite increased.
Aversion: food, appetite lost.
Physical: < movement, < walking.
Sleep: sleepy, < eating; dull, drowsy
Energy: weak, as if emaciated; malaise.
Infection: syphilis; gonorrhoea; scrofula.
Nervous: neuralgic pain persisting after herpes zoster.
Vertigo: dizziness.
Head: headache, aching, throbbing, shooting, darting, forehead, vertex, extending to temples, eyes.
Eyes: inflamed and watery.
Nose: catarrh, discharge watery, muco-purulent; sore; small abscesses, right nostril; syphilitic ozaena.
Mouth: heat; rough, dry; teeth loose, falling out, neuralgia; tongue coated white, yellowish white; taste salty, bitter, < morning.
Throat: larynx constricted, bruised, sore, lame; pain smarting, burning, stinging in throat; trachea sore, < pressed; hoarse, < public speakers; choking resembling a lump.
Lungs: cough dry, spasmodic, hacking, deep, barking, loose; respiration difficult.
Heart: boring pains about region of heart; irregular pulse.
Chest: oppression.
Stomach: pain, cramping, griping, epigastrium, > drinking; nausea; regurgitations; heartburn; vomiting.
Abdomen: liver diseases, torpid liver; jaundice; pain darting pain, left hypochondrium, ascending colon to descending colon; pain heavy, hypogastrium, umbilical.
Rectum: constipation; diarrhoea; flatus; piles; pain burning, ineffectual straining, tender, < stool; uneasiness, < after stool.
Urinary: urine colourless, milky and thick, deposits white sediment.
Male: drawing up in right testes; dull tearing pain in left testes; sharp pain in glans extending up urethra during micturition, causing sweat, < walking.
Female: ovaries pained; leucorrhoea copious, muco-purulent.
Back: backache, aching, darting, lumbar, extending forwards, to thighs and legs, < sitting.
Limbs: rheumatism; as enlarged; pain lower limbs; sciatica, right; chronic periosteumeal rheumatism, pain; bone pains, aching, sore; bone nodes, exostosis; lymph glands swollen, cervical; burning, itching of legs, < exposure to air, > warmth; elephantiasis; periostitis; hip-joint disease.
Skin: pustules eruption; ulcers; chronic eruptions on hands and fingers; scrofuloderma; moist, brown excoriating eruption on the scalp; psoriasis.