Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
663.41.03 Stellaria media
Names: Stellaria dichotoma, Alsine media, Cerastium medium.
English: Star Chickweed, Starwort, Chickwort.
German: Vogel-Sternmiere.
Dutch: Vogelmuur.
Botany: flowers small, flowering whole year.
Part: whole fresh plant in bloom.
Content: coumarin; triterpenoid saponins; flavonoids, vitamin C; potassium, chlorine, nitrogen and phosphorus.
Source: F. H. Brett, F. Kopp, Boericke, Phatak, Leeser, Murphy.
Lassitude, indisposition to work.
Weather: chilly; > cold air, > warmth.
Time: < morning, < 7 am, > evening.
Food: < tobacco.
Physical: < motion, < touch.
General: obesity; stasis, congestion, sluggish.
Energy: weak, weary.
Vertigo: < turning head.
Head: headache dull, frontal, left, < morning, + sleepy; headache maddening, heat, burning, left lower jaw rises into vertex, > pressure, > open air.
Eyes: pain darting, smarting, burning, sore, right, << touch; flushes of heat below right lid; vision dim; feel protruded.
Nose: coryza.
Face: right neuralgia.
Mouth: hot, dry; tongue numb; gums numb; lips burning, lower.
Lungs: cough < deep respiration; expectoration viscid, salty; bronchitis, pneumonia.
Heart: palpitations.
Chest: tickling, upper part, constricted, oppression, heat.
Stomach: pain.
Abdomen: umbilicus, bowels sore, < touch; liver pain, sore, burning, pressing, engorged, swollen, torpor, stitching pain, < pressure, > motion.
Rectum: constipation, alternating diarrhoea; stool clay-coloured.
Urinary: kidney region sore, < touch; kidney problems; cystitis.
Back: backache rheumatic, stiff, weak, sore, lumbar, < bending; neck stiff, sore; dull pain under right scapula.
Limbs: arthritis, rheumatic; stiff, aching, darting, shooting; sudden, shifting, fingers, index and middle finger, great toes; < touch, < motion; gouty; pain, sharp, shifting, darting, rheumatic, sore, < touch, < motion; joints chronic rheumatism, enlarged, inflamed, gouty; pain shoulders and arms, calves of legs; synovitis; bruised feeling.
Skin: hot; eczema, varicose ulcers, nettle rash, psoriasis.