Jan Scholten
Stage 17
Final End
We have come to the station at the end of the line. There’s nothing more to be done, it doesn’t matter anymore, whatever you do, it won’t make any difference.
Letting go
Letting go is the key phrase of this stage. Even the thought of holding on to the past is a temptation that isn’t really appropriate anymore. But they like to hold on because they dare not let go. This is exactly what they have to learn. Even the thoughts of what they once had (stage 16) should now be released. Letting go is often accompanied by feelings of pain, disappointment, sadness and guilt. But as soon as they realise that letting go is really the best they can do for themselves, they will have moved a big step forwards. This is the strength of stage 17. As long as they keep fighting it they will suffer more pain and sadness.
Holding on
The opposite of letting go is holding on. They may have the feeling that they simply can’t let go, or mustn’t let go. So they hold on with a kind of desperation that is not natural in the overall cycle of events. It is like holding on when you are about to die and it is time to release your grip on life.
Demanding Uncontrolled
They may become very uncontrolled in their behaviour. If they have to let go of things anyway, why not let go completely ? So they might grab what they can in an uncontrolled and inappropriate manner. Sometimes this results in unreasonable and demanding behaviour. It can even lead to aggression and criminal acts, ‘it doesn’t matter anymore, so what the hell’.
The general theme of the series often reaches a climax at this stage. It is the end of the story, the plot has been revealed. Fluor defeats the dragon, and the sexuality reaches the state of orgasm. The Muriaticums reach a climax in the relationship between mother and child.
They feel that they are an outsider, exiled from the group. They have been a part of the group for so long, and now they suddenly have to manage on their own. But they still feel they deserve to have a place in the group with all the privileges that go with it. When people don’t give them what they deserve they take it without asking.
They may feel condemned because they have been banned from the group: as if their exile is unconditional and final, and they don’t have a chance of reprieve. If they feel that this exile was justified they also suffer from feelings of guilt. It was their own fault that led to this, that’s why they are excluded from the group.
Fluor: banned because of egotism, sex, or being who they are.
Chlorum: banned because of relationships or family.
Bromium: banned because they haven’t done their job, banned by people from the village.
Iodum: banned because of his ideas, banned from the area by the governor.
Astatinum: banned because of abuse of power, banned by the king.
Sankaran describes the characteristic feeling of this stage as the feeling of being betrayed and attacked.
After they have grabbed what they need they run away. They know that they haven’t been all that honest, so it is best to break off all contact and flee. They would no longer be accepted as a part of the whole anyway. They don’t belong anymore, they are about to be kicked out of the house, so it is best to leave of their own free will, before things get even worse. Who knows what they will do to him if he stays?
The prefix at this stage is ‘ex’: exile, extravagant, expelled, excommunicated, expiry, extortion.
They often feel empty, similar to the feeling of having lost everything.
In Fluor we see an empty person.
In Chlorum a person without a relationship.
Bromium is without work or responsibilities.
Iodum is devoid of ideas.
Mood: active.
Weather: warm, >< sea.
Lymph glands are hard, painful and swollen
Emaciation in spite of good appetite.
DD: Stage 16 feels they can still dream about the past. At stage 17 everything, even the thoughts of the past have to be released.
DD Hydrogen: Hydrogen sometimes has no boundaries either, but they are very idealistic, they like to keep everything intact.