Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.24.13 Spigelia anthelmia, Spigelia anthelmintica
Names: anthelmia quadriphylla.
English: Wormbush; Pinkroot; Pink root; Indian pink; Worm grass; Erva; Lombrigueira; Demerara pinkroot; Kromantikankan; Kromanti; Kankan.
Content: spigeliin.
Always wants to fight and debate. They have the tendency to say the opposite to provoke a debate. They always want to show that their mind is cleverer than that of others. They always have the feeling that they have to show their intelligence and brightness.
Lawyer, fighting, sharp as a razor; debater.
Fighting about details, always saying the opposite, quarrelling about everything.
Cheerful with pain, < thinking about pain.
Sensitive, oversensitive, < touch.
Stammering, repeats first syllable three or four times.
Ailments from being persecuted for their opinion and profession.
Fear: death; being killed, burned at a stake; pins; needles; sharp objects, pointy things.
Dream: fire; ghosts; voluptuous; lightning had struck off his shoulder; quarrels; busy being; storms: thunderstorm.
Sensation: stabbing.
Type: light hair; pale, thin, bloated, weak; wrinkled; rheumatic, scrofulous.
Weather: chilly, < slightest motion; shudder; < cold, damp, rainy weather.
Desire: hot water.
Food: < tobacco; < tea; > hot water.
Sleep: restless sleep; frequent waking.
Physical: < touch, motion, noise, turning, washing, concussion; > lying on right side with head high; > inspiring.
Nervous: neuralgia of the fifth nerve, < smells, < tobacco smoke.
Vertigo: hearing intensified.
Head: headache, nervous, pain violent, throbbing, stabbing, band, beneath frontal eminence, temples, one-sided, extending to eyes, < false step.
Eyes: too large; pain pressing, sharp, stabbing, sticking, < cold, damp, rainy weather, < turning eyes; pupils dilated; photophobia; rheumatic ophthalmia; pain, deep into socket; ciliary neuralgia, neuritis; glaucoma; strabismus.
Nose: dry; discharge, bland mucus, posterior nares; chronic catarrh.
Mouth: tongue fissured, painful; tearing toothache, < eating and cold; foul odour; offensive taste.
Face: pain, eye, zygoma, cheek, teeth, temple, < stooping, touch, < daytime.
Lungs: dyspnoea, > lying on right side, > head high.
Heart: pericarditis; anaemia; palpitation violent, visible, audible, < least motion, < bending forward; systolic blowing at apex; pulse weak, irregular, trembling; pain, sticking, neuralgic, < movement, extending to arm or both arms; angina pectoris; rheumatic heart inflammation.
Abdomen: worms; pain navel.
Rectum: itching and crawling; ineffectual urging to stool; worms, ascaris, lumbrici; scirrhus of sigmoid or rectum, atrocious unbearable pain
Skin: yellow, earthy.