Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Combined heart and eye symptoms, or the latter as an accompaniment. PAIN; in violent attacks; radiating from left occiput to over left eye; < stooping. Neuralgia. Sun pains. Vertigo; feet feel higher than the head. Shudders; if touched or bruised.
Stammering. Fears pointed things. Left supra-orbital or occipital pain; boring. EYES: sore, drawing ache; sunken; feel large; red; flowing tears on affected side; squinting; yellow rings about. Post-nasal dropping. Fetor oris. Toothache. Ravenous hunger. Pains about navel; in children. Mucus lumps in stools. Worms. Dyspnoea, < moving arms. HEART; violent, audible PALPITATION, attending other symptoms; violent sticking, or compressive pains radiating to throat, arm or scapula, < least motion; or bending double; soreness; purring; crackling. Cardiac angina, etc. Neck stiff; pains into left temple or from left shoulder into neck. Cutting about left scapula. Numb left arm. Weak, tremulous or irregular pulse. Pulsation in patellae.
Region: NERVES, TRIFACIAL; HEART; Neck; Fibrous tissue; EYES; Teeth; LEFT SIDE.
Worse: TOUCH; MOTION; Jar; Periodically, with the sun; Tobacco; Coition; Raising arms.
Better: Lying on R; side, with head high.