Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.72.07 Solanum dulcamara, Dulcamara
English: Bitter-sweet.
Dutch: Wild zoethout; Kwastjeshout; Kwalster; Kwanselhout; Bitterswiet; Henneblomme; Dodebeze; Mad dog berries; Nachtraaf; Nachtschaduw; Aldsrancke; Hondebeishout; Walschot; Wylde wrange.
Content: copper.
There is a danger from water and flooding. They fear water, especially dark water where they cannot see the bottom. They fear storms and wild water. To prevent the danger from floods they start working together, helping each other, building dikes, helping during the storm.
Domineering and possessive: protection of house and family.
Danger of the water, floods, living behind the dike.
Anxiety for others, about the family.
Helping, in disaster, to prevent disasters.
Restless, irritable; censorious; quarrelsome without anger.
Controlling, domineering, family, friends; opinionated, insistent.
Suspicious of strangers.
Feels undervalued, that others are ungrateful.
Haughty, uptight.
Mental confusion; cannot find the right word for anything.
Capricious; ejects things asked for.
Fear: water, flood, drowning, dark water; thunder; noise; dogs, heights.
Dream: fearful, confused, frightful, anxious, nightmare.
Dream: death, dying, falling; water, flood.
Type: phlegmatic, scrofulous, stout.
Weather: chilly, < vomiting; < night; < cold; < damp, rainy weather; < hot days and cold nights; > warmth; > dry weather; < before storm; < sitting on cold, damp ground; icy cold, with pains.
Sweat: palms.
Time: < night.
Desire: thirst for cold drinks.
Aversion: food.
Food: < cold food; cold drinks.
Physical: > moving; <<< suppressed discharges or eruptions.
General: obese; breasts big.
Fever: dry burning heat all over.
Head: congestive headache, chilly, heavy, aching, occipital, from nape of neck, > conversation, < cold weather; scald head, thick brown crusts, bleeding when scratched.
Eyes: thick, yellow discharge; granular lids, < coryza; hayfever; profuse, watery discharge, < open air.
Ears: earache, buzzing, stitches and swelling of parotids; middle-ear catarrh.
Face: pain, tearing, cheek extending to ear, orbit, jaw, preceded by coldness of parts and attended by canine hunger; neuralgia, < slightest cold; humid eruption on cheeks and face generally.
Nose: dry coryza; stoppage < cold rain, < cold air, > warm; thick, yellow mucus, bloody crusts.
Mouth: saliva tenacious, soapy; dry, rough tongue; cold-sores on lips.
Throat: rough scraping in throat, < cold, damp weather.
Lungs: cough hoarse, spasmodic, loose, rattling, dry, teasing, < cold, wet weather, < winter, < exertion; < tickling in larynx; whooping-cough; expectoration free, excessive, mucus; asthma with dyspnoea.
Heart: palpitations; hypertension.
Stomach: heartburn, nausea, + appetite; vomiting white, tenacious mucus.
Abdomen: colic, cutting, navel, < cold; swelling of inguinal glands.
Rectum: stool green, watery, slimy, bloody, mucus, < summer, < weather suddenly becomes cold, < damp, cold weather.
Urinary: !; cystitis; urination painful, dribbling; catarrh, < chilled, < bare feet in cold water; urine thick, mucous, purulent sediment.
Female: menses suppressed cold or dampness; dysmenorrhoea; mammae engorged, sore, delicate, sensitive to cold.
Back: stiff lame neck, shoulders; pain in small of back, as after long stooping.
Limbs: sore, stiff; paralysis, single parts; feet icy cold; pain in shinbones; rheumatism alternates with diarrhoea; < after acute skin eruptions; swelling and indurated glands from cold; cramp calves; fibromyalgia.
Skin: delicate; dry heat, burning; adenitis; pruritus, < cold, wet weather; vesicular, herpes zoster, pemphigus; sensitive bleeding ulcers; little boils; red spots, urticaria, < sour stomach; humid eruptions on face, genitals, hands; warts, large, smooth, face, palms; general oedema; thick, brown-yellow crusts, bleeding when scratched.