Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.44.09 Smallanthus uvedalia, Polymnia uvedalia
English: Bears foot; Bearsfoot; Yellow Leaf Cup.
They have a strong tendency to individuality. The desire to understand things is an aspect of Stage 9. They do that to be able to keep their independence.
Crossness, very irritable.
Nervousness and weakness.
Dream: amorous; coition; jumping, in river; money; suicide; unsuccessful efforts.
Dream: crying, wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the river.
Desire: food, good appetite; drinks, thirsty, < morning; onions, corn bread.
Aversion: meat, beef.
Aversion: beef; food, appetite less; anorexia
Food: < bacon, < onions.
Sleep: sleepless, restless, < nervousness.
Physical: < straightening up; > bending forward.
General: cachexia.
Energy: weak, < rising in the morning.
Fever: ague; intermittent, < quinine.
Infection: syphilis; malaria.
Head: aching between eyes and eyebrows, heavy weight over forehead, deep in brain, < heat of sun, < afternoon and evening, < warm.
Ears: ringing and buzzing.
Mouth: taste sticky, bitter, bad, < morning.
Heart: aching, nervous; sharp, momentary, pressing pain; vascular atony, tissues sodden, flabby and non-elastic; impaired circulation, capillary; engorgement of vessels; leucocythemia; leucemia.
Chest: breast swollen, hypertrophy.
Stomach: burning; dyspepsia, < bacon; weak, dull, half sick, miserable, heavy, < after eating, going around left side to and up the back.
Abdomen: burning, heavy, epigastrium; enlarged; spleen inflammation, acute splenitis, pain, weight, dragging, sodden, passive congestion, stasis, enlarged, hypertrophy; pain, tender, burning, left hypochondrium, < straightening up; liver chronic enlargement, full, sodden, atonic functional impairment; dropsy from liver disease.
Rectum: constipation, every three days; stool hard, dry, first part like many little marbles stuck together, brown, diarrhoeaic stool, mushy, yellow liquid, thick; foetid flatus.
Urinary: urine scanty, seldom, red.
Female: breast inflamed, non-malignant, indurated swellings, hypertrophy; uterus enlargement, congestion, chronic or passive, subinvolution; chronic metritis.
Back: lumbago; pain hot, sore, coccyx, << straightening up.
Limbs: rheumatism, chronic; muscle pain, wasting; enlarged glands; hands weak, numb; weak below the knees, < afternoon; leg jumps quickly and hard on falling to sleep.
Skin: full, flabby, sallow, inelastic; hair weak, scalp.