Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.54.03 Senna alexandrina
Names: Cassia obovata; Cassia senna; Cassia acutifolia; Cassia angustifolia; Cassia lanceolata.
English: Senna; Senna Alexandrina; Alexandrian Senna; Cassia; Colladon; Egyptian Senna; Tinnevelly Senna; East Indian Senna.
French: Sene de la palthe.
Content: cadmium; nickel; zinc.
Anger, irascibility, < waking.
Shrieking, screaming, shouting, weeping, in children, < incarcerated flatus.
Hysteria, << talking, >> belching, vomiting, << exhaustion, <<< loss of fluids.
Delusion left side of body parts are smaller.
Must avoid everything that is strange, bewildering and confusing because unable to handle it.
Confusing, bewildering, strange, bizarre.
Discontented with himself.
Insensibility stupor, unconsciousness, coma, alternating with hysteria.
Sensation; full; numb; pinching; pressing.
Weather: < wet weather; flushes of heat, < night.
Sweat: unclean body smell.
Time: < 9 pm.
Aversion: food, loss appetite.
Food: < eating.
Sleep: sleepless, restless, nervous, cries and tossing, in infants, < colic, < flushes.
General: obesity; wasting, acetonaemia.
Energy: weakness, exhaustion, prostration, fainting, < meals.
Head: heavy, pressed down, < stooping.
Eyes: sore.
Nose: sneezing.
Face: blue, livid lips, < colic.
Mouth: coated tongue, bad taste; corners of lips covered with small burning blisters.
Lungs: dyspnoea; panting breathing, < sneezing.
Heart: hypertension.
Stomach: empty, < eating; loathing, nausea, vomiting; pain; belching, empty, watery, foetid.
Abdomen: cold; pain pinching, > stool; infantile colics; full of wind; liver enlarged and tender; jaundice; worms.
Rectum: burning; constipation; diarrhoea; stool liquid, fluid, frequent, bloody, yellowish, greenish mucus, hard and dark; never-get-done sensation.
Urinary: urine with oxalate, urea, albumen, hyperazoturia, phosphate, acetone, increased specific gravity; urination painful, dribbling.
Female: menses early.
Limbs: muscular weakness; heat hands, < sneezing.
Skin: dermatitis; ! nappy rash.