Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.42.16 Saussurea obvallata
Indian: Brahma Kamal, lotus (kamal) of the creator (Brahma).
Botany: Himalayas.
Culture: Horace Saussure and a guide pointing upward: look, way up there is the summit; the son of Saussure lives a recluse’s life and shows no interest in society life.
Source: Ulrich Welte; Martin Jakob.
Restless, < night.
Dream: forget the key of the hotel room, being too late for the airplane, others are gone already.
Dream: women in black, threatening state, twins come, demand what they need, silently, not greeting or talking, do not show weakness, as if everything is under control; waking with anger because they were friends.
Sensation as if there is no face.
Dream: Dalai Lama walks on the roof of a high building up and down, it looks dangerous but is easy.
Dream: soles are desquamating, it is good, a new body is created.
Dream: swimming in a shallow sea, 15 cm deep but not touching the floor.
Dream: shaving but only partly, make 3 cuts on chin, it looks clumsy.
Dream: twins live in an ecological commune, a joyless building, a talk is done to test if they belong there.
Dream: jumps over a tree, artistic motion in high places, looks difficult but is easy.
Dream: a steep roof.
Dream: atrophy muscles of legs, cannot walk.
Dream: wants to do things himself, needs no help.
Dream: using an old red car roof as water ski in a mud lake, halfway the water is gone and he has to walk back.
Dream: gliding effortlessly on a slippery surface with water on it, gliding on water, standing on the inverted roof of a car, like water skiing.
Sensation: heavy; tingling.
Weather: heat, glowing.
Time: < 3-5 pm.
Desire: green chilly, mango, chilli chutney, the hotter the better.
Food: > spicy, hot food.
Sleep: restless, < 3 pm snoring.
Physical: > stretching; > yawning; > hard pressure.
General: ayurveda vata, excess of air.
Vertigo: as if gliding, sliding; mountain sickness.
Head: hot; apoplexy, stroke; clear; headache, violent, forehead, < 3 am, > pressure, > yawning, > stretching; pricking occiput; heavy tired in temples, as if of a weight; cerebral ischaemia, apoplexy.
Face: hot, glowing, red cheeks, hectic spots; numb, left side, forehead; paralysis, right, mouth.
Nose: cold.
Mouth: paralysis palate.
Lungs: cough.
Heart: arteriosclerosis; arterial blood flow diminished.
Chest: pulsating in the upper chest, as if opening up, freeing.
Stomach: pain.
Abdomen: gall diseases; intestinal problems; heavy, bearing down, > stool.
Urinary: kidney pain, numb, > warmth, > pressure; right kidney region, sensation of a heavy weight, like a wet sandbag; urination frequent < 3 am, < night.
Female: dysmenorrhoea and altitude sickness.
Limbs: heavy, as sand; beaten, lower arms and legs, < 5 pm pain left thumb joint; rheumatoid arthritis; paralysis of the limbs; bone-ache, pain tearing, tense, right knee, < walking, as if meniscus torn; pain in an old scar, << pressure.