Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
664.76.00 Sarraceniaceae
English: Pitcher plants.
Botany: plants with pitchers, elongated tube shaped leaves filled with water, with downward pointing hairs and waxy secretions to catch insects with nectar and digest them with enzymes or bacteria; nutrient-poor, acidic soil, bogs; rhizome.
Genera: Sarracenia, Darlingtonia, Heliamphora.
DD: Droseraceae, Nepenthaceae, Lentibuliariceae, Bromine.
Sarraceniaceae was previously included in Nepenthales. In the Apg3 classification it is included in Ericales.
In the Plant theory it is included in the Order Sarraceniales, n Order in Ericidae.
There is a criminal feeling in this family. They feel that they can or have done something which is not right, motivated by lower instinct. They feel that it is not human but part of the shadow, the negative side.
As a consequence they have the idea that they will be persecuted, pursued and that someone wants to catch and imprison them. They become suspicious and on guard. It often gives rise to a desire to flee away, to go abroad. In the past it was expressed as the idea to go to the sea, where one was free and out of control of the authorities. It is the idea of becoming a pirate, a Saracen, an outcast of society, who goes his own way with a group of peers.
They feel like an outcast at the start, people with little possessions and possibilities. So they are inclined to take what others have so plentifully. This kind of robbery becomes even more extreme when they really become a criminal.
This image is seen in the plants of this family. They have a pitcher wherein they catch flies. They have to do it because they live in soils poor in nutrients. They need to steal the nutrients from the insects in order to survive.
The subconscious has become obvious, often in the form of crimes; they tend to flee away from society, to the sea and countries far away.
Disassociated from instincts.
Fear of the instincts, the shadow.
Being a victim of lower instincts, not human.
Disgusted or squeamish about instincts, raw or gut feelings.
Fear: being trapped, persecuted, pursued, imprisoned, killed.
Desire to be free, independent, from personal relations, from money.