Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
664.76.16 Sarracenia purpurea
Content: eurucamide; sarracenin; coniine; very active proteolytic enzyme.
Disposition for excesses, to get angry and to speak injurious words.
Capricious humour, good humoured alternating with irritability.
Rancorous character, with great punctiliousness, especially as he feels sick. Buoyancy.
Loss of memory during headache.
Reproaches himself.
Sadness during headache.
Sulky, anger, gray, < overwhelming burden, < disavowed his environment of lower level than his.
Feels used, taken advantage of, tricked, duped, trapped, caught, laughed at.
Powerless, helpless, hopeless, helpless; drowning.
Suspicion, jealousy, delusion of betrayal, conspiracy, CIA, mafia, feeling unsafe everywhere.
Fear: being killed, shut up.
Delusion: being a pirate, criminal.
Suspiciousness. Drowning. Constriction. Deceit.
Delusion: family, friends are disgraced; being heavy.
Delusion: has suffered wrong, persecuted; stuck in a trap, unable to get out.
Dreams: strange; frightful; despairing anguish; nightmare; robbers; highwaymen; insects, noxious animals; men in armour; spectres; epidemic, contagious; music.
Colour preference: 19AB.
Sensation: trapped, stuck, fallen into a pit; constricted, spasmodic, cutting, convulsive.
Weather: < stormy weather; chilly, < cold air; > in fresh air.
Time: < 1 am, 3 am, 3 pm, 5 pm, 9 pm, < midnight and at 3 pm, < morning.
Desire: hungry all the time, even after a meal.
Sleep: sleepy, < meals.
Physical: < rising from lying, < trying to walk. > out of bed.
Fever: quotidian and tertian fever, + shaking chills, heat, sweat, < morning, small-pox.
Nervous: cramps and convulsive paroxysms.
Head: headache, sick, throbbing, pulsating, bursting, especially in neck, shoulders and head, > recline; congestion; as if knocked, split.
Eyes: photophobia; feel swollen and sore; pain in orbits; black objects move with the eye; left eye as if congested.
Ears: lancinating, spasmodic pains in the ears.
Face: pain, spasmodic, contracting, convulsive, constrictions of jaws; pains in the lower jaw; heat as if on fire.
Throat: larynx constriction; pain, cramping, griping, constricting.
Heart: irregular action; chlorosis.
Stomach: vomiting, copious, painful; empty, hungry, sinking.
Rectum: ineffectual straining; stool smells of musk.
Female: swelling in womb as if from a tumour or dropsy.
Back: pains shooting, zigzag, lumbar region to middle of scapula.
Limbs: weak, between shoulders; bruised pain, knees, hip-joints; pain bones in arm pain, < cold air; bones dull, heavy, sore, too thick.
Skin: variola, small pox, pustules.