Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.72.00 Saniculoidae
Saniculoidae is a clade in Apiales, long recognised as a monophyletic Subfamily.
In the Plant theory it is placed Subphase 2.
They feel rejected, as if something is wrong with them. This gets often triggered by traumas and catastrophes in their life, after a severe loss of a parents, child, loved one. They feel as though they have lost life and can start distrusting religion and God.
But they are very closed about this. They feel they are too weak to be able to stand up for themselves. They retire, stay in the background from fear of becoming even more an outsider, being rejected by society. They fear that when they start speaking they cannot control themselves anymore.
Cold parents, distant.
Timid, shy, adapting; closed.
Averse to company, contact, consolation; sighing, < end of talking.
Delusion being bad, corrupted, regrets, cannot look himself in the face.
Friendly; refined.
Sad, apathy, weepy, fatalistic, suicidal.
Desire autonomy, freedom, at least in their mind.
Abused, lost illusions, obsessive.
Aversion to people, company, strangers; loner.
Delusion: being bad, dark.
Sexual desire strong, promiscuous, or suppressed, absent.
Mentally strong, thinking constantly, sharp, clinical, scientist.
Ailments from loss of love, spouse, parents, finances, sex, incest.
Fear: disease.
Colour preference: black.
Type: stocky body, thin arms and legs
Weather: chilly, < cold; > dark, < light.
Desire: spicy; alcohol; drugs.
Aversion: milk, mother’s milk !; legumes.
Sleep: sleepy, sleepless; comatose.
Nervous: epilepsy, convulsions; paralysis, MS; senses acute or diminished.
Vertigo: falling, < rising, < motion, > lying.
Throat: pressing, lump; pain; pharyngitis.
Lungs: asthma; cough.
Heart: hypertension.
Stomach: belching; ulcer.
Abdomen: swollen, pains, haemorrhages.
Rectum: constipation; diarrhoea, dysentery; haemorrhoids.
Female: menses copious, leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea; placenta retained.
Skin: dermatitis.