Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.61.06 Sanguisorba officinalis
Names: Sanguisorba officinalis; Sanguisorba major; Pimpinella officinalis; Poterium officinalis.
English: Great Burnet.
German: Grosser Wiesenknopf; Blutkopf; Sperbenkraut; Grosse bibernell; Pimpernelle.
They have the feeling that the relationship is not working well, that their partner has made the choice for them but then does not fully go for it. This makes them angry and so they try to force their partner to really make the commitment. Their partner has to prove that he really loves them.
On the other hand they feel they have to prove that they really love their partner but that feels difficult. So they have the tendency to choose someone unavailable, a married man, someone from abroad.
Dependent on boy friend.
Sensitive, irritable patients.
Great sense of duty.
Dream: a man threatening to stab me with a knife.
Head: congestion.
Throat: inflammations.
Lungs: bleeding; inflammations.
Stomach: eructations; choleric belching.
Abdomen: pain, from right to left side, burning, > lying bend double, on side, < 7 till 9 am, with light fever and sweating.
Rectum: dysentery.
Urinary: urine scanty.
Female: menses long, profuse, < menopause; menstrual disorders; chronic metritis; leucorrhoea.
Limbs: congested, varicose veins, ulcers.
Skin: wounds, sores, cankers.