Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
642.17.08 Sanguinaria canadensis
English: Bloodroot; Bloodwort; Red puccoon root; Pauson; Tetterwort.
Botany: herb; thick, branching succulent, root stock; single long-stalked leaf; another stalk bearing a solitary flower, root with light orange or rather dark vermilion coloured juice, latex, with a bitter, acrid taste.
DD: ant-t, bell, chin, dig, gels, ign, indg, iris-v, justicia, meli, lach, ferr, Magnesium carbonicum, Magnesium muriaticum, phos, sep, spig, verat.
DD Ferrum: they have in common: working hard, red cheeks, right shoulder, right-sided headache.
Source: Alex Leupen, Interhomeopathy, January 2011.
They can look very much in control but inside they feel very vulnerable and weak. They very easily feel excluded by the community, family and God. They hope that they will be accepted again if they do their best, work very hard for the community, family and church. They hope that God will take care of their salvation, in a childish way. They feel small and powerless but hope that they will be treated well by working very hard. They deplete themselves by their own enthusiasm and working hard. They work for society, the community they belong to.
Helplessness, feeling of paralysis.
Working constantly, too much.
Exhausted by her work, her own enthusiasm, enjoying everything, community work.
Friendly, talking a lot, making friends easily.
Desire company, working together in a community, helping each other, forgiving, to be member of a group, a religious church.
Religious: loving one’s fellow man; delusion "God is helping me".
Somnolence, dullness; apathy.
Dreamy state with open eyes.
Desire company.
Irritable, quick repentance, cursing, < traffic, << being teased.
Angry, irritability, moroseness; grumbling; borrows trouble.
Down to earth, it has to be able to be felt.
Asking little for herself.
Profession: working in victim care.
Ailments from shock, war.
Fear: dark, burglars, disease, others.
Delusions: on a journey, in a railway train, begs others to hold her.
Delusion: being small; inferiority complex, < humiliation; paralysis.
Delusions: others are talking rapidly.
Dreams: business, busy being.
Dreams: anxious, frightful, troubles, unpleasant, falling, suffocation.
Dream: vacation, houses, journeys, dead friends.
Dreams: sea voyages, sensation of being rocked; business matters, occupation; dead body, which he helped to dissect; dinosaur; disaster; earthquake; falling; flood; unsuccessful efforts; need for help; need for a telephone call; journey by water, sailing; swinging; vexatious; vacation, houses, journeys, dead friends.
Sensation: burning, throbbing.
Type: sanguineous.
Localisation: right.
Weather: warm, heat hands feet; ! flushes of heat, + perspiration, < menopause.
Time: < 3 am, periodic, every 7th day, < May, < June.
Desire: indistinct; delicacies; marinade; spices; refreshing things.
Aversion: food, sight or smell of food, bread, beer, sugar, delicacies, fat, butter, rich food, spices, refreshing, syrup.
Food: < fruit, apple, pear, cherry, < refreshing, < sugar, < sweets, < alcohol < smell of food; > sour, acids, vinegar, water, cold.
Sleep: drowsy.
Physical: > lying on back.
General: congestion of blood; cervical glands inflamed.
Vertigo: terrible, < looking up, < moving head rapidly, + nausea, fainting and headache.
Head: headache, pulsating, throbbing, right side, occiput, extending over right eye, weekly, < daytime, < fasting, > vomiting, > sleep, > urination, < smell of narcissus, > dark, > rest, > rubbing, > pressure, > motion, < menopause.
Ears: burning.
Nose: coryza, < odour flowers, plants; fluent alternating obstruction, polyps, alternating diarrhoea; scarlatina; influenza; ozaena; polyps.
Face: pain, > pressing head against floor; circumscribed red cheeks; eruption, young women, < scanty menses.
Mouth: salivation copious.
Throat: pain, burning; larynx inflammation, croup, polyps.
Lungs: cough, dry, constant, hacking, severe, > after belching, << lying, > sitting, > flatus; bronchitis, pneumonia, congested; asthma, < odours; whooping-cough, << taking cold; bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis
Chest: pain burning, ! pain behind the sternum << coughing.
Stomach: troubles; pain burning, racking, + intense thirst; heartburn, nausea without vomiting; dyspepsia.
Abdomen: liver, jaundice newborn.
Rectum: diarrhoea; stool sour; worms.
Urinary: colic stones; urine, scanty, copious after headache.
Male: epididymitis.
Female: menses copious; leucorrhoea, < menopause; abortion, amenorrhoea, breast cancers; painful enlargement of breasts.
Limbs: ! shoulder, tight up, pain < night, < motion, raising the arm; red burning palms and soles; pains in places where the bones are least covered, as tibia, backs of hands.
Skin: red, eczema, ringworm, warts.