Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.55.15 Salvia officinalis
English: Sage.
French: Sauge.
Source: North American.
They want to live life to the fullest and have a tendency to give too much of themselves, to friends, contacts and in relationships. In the end they get burned out, they feel that life is empty and over. They have given themselves until they are empty and the fun of life is over.
They have many talents; artistic and have an inner wisdom. They have good insight into their inner state and can become a good therapist. In that profession they also have a tendency to give too much of themselves away, to ones that have less; as a kind of sacrifice.
Need for wisdom, inner wisdom, spirituality, knowingness, omniscience.
Delusion: life is ill-fated or undeserved; inability to perceive a higher purpose and the meaning in life events.
Lack of peace, clarity, wisdom, < trials and tribulations of life.
Volatile emotions, life experience and to glean wisdom and insight.
Ambitious, much ambition; great expectation from himself.
Busy. Industrious; mania for work, mental, > occupation.
Desire to travel.
Self-control; wants to control himself.
Earning money easily, affluence.
Irritable and tearful.
Senses and memory diminished, heightened.
Light sensation.
Delusion: being homeless; light, cannot be put under the water, will emerge.
Untouchable; nothing touches them really.
Perfectionist, never does well enough.
Colour preference: 12-14C.
Sweat: excessive; colliquative, debilitating, exhausting, < slight exertion, < anxiety, < menses, < pain, < night.
Food: < bread; < quinine.
Sleep: restless.
Energy: weakness, lack of reaction, < diarrhoea, < perspiration, < after pneumonia, < nursing, < undernourished.
Nervous: palsy, shaky trembling; hypaeresthesia; giddy, vertigo, < looking downward.
Head: right-sided tearing pain in bones of jaw and temple.
Nose: smell acute.
Mouth: pain, inflammation, teeth and gums, < touch, > warmth.
Throat: inflammation, pharyngitis; hyperthyreoidism.
Lungs: tuberculosis; cough suffocating tickling, persistent; expectoration profuse; asthma; sharp pains at the apex of the right lung, extending to back.
Heart: circulation is enfeebled, weak; palpitation; hypotension; anaemia, < spleen disease.
Chest: breasts inflammation, congestive; milk increased, galactorrhoea.
Stomach: nausea, < morning; pains around her waist and stomach; gnawing at pit of stomach, rises upward toward the throat, >> deep breath.
Rectum: diarrhoea; stools frequent; flatulence.
Urinary: urination frequent; urine profuse, increased.
Male: spermatorrhoea; veneral diseases, increased sexual desire, sexual debility.
Female: menses profuse, protracted, prolonged, painful, dysmenorrhoea; amenorrhoea; endometriosis; sterility.
Limbs: cold; arthritis; painful muscles; joint pain.
Skin: soft, relaxed; hair grey early.