Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.67.00 Salvadoraceae
Botany: flowers 4 merous; curved embryo; endosperm ± lacking; vestured pits in vessels.
In the Apg3 classification Bataceae, Koeberliniaceae and Salvadoraceae are Families in the Order Brassicales. The are closely related.
Salvadoraceae: genera Azima, Dobera, Salvadora; 12 species; Africa, Madagascar, South East Asia; hot, dry areas; formerly placed in Celastrales.
Bataceae: genus Batis; coastal salt marshes; warm temperate and tropical America.
Koeberliniaceae: 1 species Koeberlinia spinosa; South-western United States and northern Mexico; tangling straight stems which branch many times; long, sharp spine; leaves rudimentary, tiny deciduous scales; abundant white to greenish-white flowers; fruits are shiny black berries; desert.
In the Plant theory Bataceae, Koeberliniaceae and Salvadoraceae are treated in the same way as in the Apg3 classification and placed together in Subphase 7.
They feel hurt in their pride, neglected in their intellectual and cultural achievements. So they have a tendency to retire from society, to deny others, their ideas and products out of indignation. They retire, being alone in their pride, knowing better than others.
It is like the graveyard being full with special and indispensable people.
Weather: < wet weather, > dry weather, desert.
Desire: salt.
Aversion: salt.