Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.35.12 Salix alba
Names: Salix vitellina.
English: White willow.
Use: weaving of baskets and mats.
Botany: branches very flexible.
Content: salicylic acid, aspirin.
Source: Bach; Sue Ballance, Links 1999.
Anger from being mistreated, injustice, unfairness, misfortune, an unfavourable and undeserved fate, being accused.
Anger: held within, suppressed.
Despair from a life not fully actualised, destiny not fulfilled, personal failures, missed opportunities.
Lack of forgiveness, grace, tolerance, flexibility, gentleness, acceptance, happiness, joy, sympathy, compassion.
Lack of cosy warmth and friendship.
Blaming others.
Rigid, fixed ideas, delusions and even paranoia, persecuted.
Self-pity, self-righteousness.
Work very hard, with resolve and willpower.
Malingering, passive aggressive personality, antisocial and disruptive behaviour.
Forgiveness, bows toward the offender.
Anger, pent-up frustration, bitterness, resentment.
Alienated by resentment and strife.
Detached, as if in a dream.
Energy: weak memory, thoughts clear vacancy.
Cheerful, elated.
Company, desire; < alone; < conversation.
Comprehension easy, perception quick, things for.
Bitter, sad, disillusioned, despair, disappointment, dissatisfaction, depression, despondency, resentment.
Delusion: alone; deserted; no one listening.
Dreams: rising in business to high position; confusion, bad things ending well; getting what is due; trying new things.
Dreams: friends; help, being helped, helping; relationships; relatives; speaking out in anger to husband.
Dreams: amorous; authority; boats; swimming; diving; psychic; space ship.
Colour preference: 10B.
Sweat: copious; offensive, oily, salty, sweet.
Time: 5-7 pm.
Desire: coffee; sweets; water, drinks, copious; food, appetite increased.
Aversion: food, appetite, wanting.
Food: < alcohol; > water.
Sleep: restless, sleepless, > fresh air, > open window; refreshing; intermittent insomnia.
Energy: weakness, lack of energy.
Fever: recurrent, continuous, unremitting, alternating with chills; radiant heat.
Infection: influenza, malaria.
Vertigo: light sensation, as if cottony.
Head: heavy, dull pain, forehead, eyebrow, occiput, right, > blowing nose, > fresh air, < morning, on waking; tension headaches.
Eyes: pain, sore; itching, as a hair tickling it, irritation, as sand; vision clear, black spots, circles floating; dimness of sight, film over the eyes.
Ears: pain, stinging, swollen, < touch; hearing acute.
Nose: catarrh, postnasal; discharge clear, thick; nosebleed, scabs, < blowing nose; obstruction; sneezing, < dust, < draughts; tingling.
Face: eruptions, boils, herpes, red shiny, chin, lips about, upper.
Mouth: dry; tongue pimples, sore.
Throat: dry; catarrh; inflammation; pain, stitching, splinter, > drinking; swelling throat, uvula; swelling, glands; hoarse.
Lungs: hyperventilation; chronic coughs; consumption.
Heart: palpitations, tachycardia, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, < excitement; hypertension; as if explosion.
Stomach: distension, nausea, as food poisoning.
Abdomen: colicky pains; distension, < before menses; eruptions, herpes, vesicular, groin, right; swelling, inguinal glands.
Rectum: diarrhoea, dysentery; flatus offensive; sensation everything will come out during stool; urging; stool burning, small quantities, spurting.
Urinary: bladder Inflammation, chronic, < coition; pain, < start of urination; urine increased, copious, pale, offensive.
Male: eruptions penis vesicular, herpes; itching.
Female: menses, painful, early; eruptions, boil, labia; pain, uterus, as if menses; swelling, breasts, menses before.
Back: pain, cervical, < 10 am, < turning to left.
Limbs: soft tissue rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis; pain shoulder blade, left; pain, bruised, sore, stitching, lancinating, needles, muscles, joints, shoulders, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, thigh, ankle, foot, spots, > drinking water, < motion, > sitting, > support, > rest, < sitting, < start motion, < touch; heavy shoulders.
Skin: dry; eruption, foot, back of, right, herpes, vesicles, painful, ulcerative; bleeding wounds, spots; discolouring, dandruff; lesions, self-inflicted.