Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
642.13.09 Ranunculus acris
English: Meadow Buttercup; Goldcup; Crowfoot.
Botany: slender cylindrical flower-stalk, furrowed.
Renunciation of affections, emotions and sexuality.
Sceptic, cynic, lack of trust <<< betrayed.
Sunny nature inside has been suppressed.
Sees only the negative side.
Patient tremulous, with faintness, on rising, anxiety, restlessness, small rapid pulse and red face.
Ailments from being betrayed.
Sensation: griping.
Sweat: forehead.
Time: < 11 pm.
Sleep: waking, < pain.
Fever: violent, restless, intense fever, inflammation.
Nervous: neuralgia.
Head: hot and heavy; tearing in the forehead, temples.
Eyes: itchy, < light; pain, < catarrh; weak and water a lot.
Nose: stuffed up.
Face: red; burning; violent tearing in the right cheek, temples, < evening.
Mouth: sore, palate; much saliva.
Throat: scraping taste; lump; difficult to swallow, as if tonsils were enlarged.
Heart: small rapid pulse.
Chest: tearing in the muscles on the right side of the chest, below the nipple, < inspiration.
Stomach: frequent tasteless belching; nausea.
Rectum: stool copious, fluid, < 5, 7 pm.
Urinary: frequent urination, < night; urine copious; scalding along urethra.
Back: lumbar pains, < bending, < turning the body.
Limbs: pain, rheumatic, muscles and joints, especially ankles and wrists, < walking, < rest; intolerable pains in legs and feet, burned, blistered, gangrenous; burning hands; sore joints; boring and drawing pains in the right tibia and in the elbow; violent pressing pains in the joints of the elbow, ankle and knee when sitting; motion appeared to relieve them; pain tearing, wrist, ankle-joints, shoulder, thumb, hip, knees, tibiae, feet, toes, < walking, < resting.
Skin: gangrene, < burns, gangrenous sores; erysipelas; ulcers, obstinate; chest blisters.