Jan Scholten
The basic theme is of someone at the beginning of participating in the community. They begin a job or function but it is just a start, an informal thing. They do not have the feeling of having a base, a solid function. Their position is very fragile. It is for people hired for a day, paid by the hour, cleaners, people doing chores, stocking shelves at the supermarket. They get paid little or nothing with few or no rights. They have the feeling that they have no say at all in the situation and that they should be happy with what is given, the left-overs. In the most extreme situation they can even be exploited as slaves. We can especially see that in the Papaveraceae.
They experience the world as a dangerous place where everything can go wrong. Their basic sensation is “raw”: the world is raw. People, animals and nature are not nice and soft but dangerous, trying to take things away and in the end they can even kill you. They need family or society for survival. They need help and protection from stronger persons to survive. They have a tendency to fall back on parents and family members.
It is the conflict between the child role and the adult role. They know they have to become adult and responsible for a family and a job, but they prefer to stay like a child and abhorring responsibilities; they cannot take them on without feelings of being weak, unprepared and without support.