Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.41.13 Ptelea trifoliata, Ptelea
English: Hoptree, Stinking ash, Wafer ash.
Dutch: Lederboom.
DD Sepia.
Ptelea is known as a Sepia-like state with liver symptoms and desire and amelioration of sour food like lemons and vinegar. The problem is mostly for women who feel left alone by their husband in the household and care of the children. Often they even have to work to raise an income for the family whereas their artistic husband has all kinds of beautiful and elaborate theories but does not do anything to make daily life easier.
Women who have too much pressure, children and jobs and feel that her husband drops them, does too little.
Husband does not do anything, she stands alone, pissed off about it.
Overworked, stressed.
Ailments from mortification, humiliation.
Anger; alternating with quick repentance; remorse; repents quickly.
Anger with himself, from weakness; reproaches himself.
Very critical, combative, to mother and father, husband, < lack of support.
No confidence in use of voluntary muscles, could not finish what he attempted.
Religious affections; fanaticism; believes herself unworthy of eternal bliss because she is unable to perform her duties.
Strong responsibilities; busy.
Suspiciousness towards doctor.
Feeling: things are unfair, being abused.
Delusion: neglected his duty; been poisoned.
Dreams: armies of soldiers rising out of their graves and marching into the house; enemies prowling about the house; fighting; frightful; getting whipped and killing snakes; dead animals; food, fantastic; practising medicine among people of gigantic stature, suddenly changing into the size of peas.
Dreams: amorous; lewd, lascivious, voluptuous; animals, dead; snakes; killing snakes; graves; robbers; soldier; vexatious; flying, unable to fly as he would like; murder; frightful; nightmare.
Desire: acid, sour, vinegar.
Aversion: fat.
Food: ! > acid, sour, lemon, vinegar; < fat.
Sleep: restless; awakes languid and unrefreshed.
Physical: < lying on left side; early morning.
Head: dull and stupid; pain, pressing outward, frontal, forehead to root of nose, < noise, motion, night, rubbing eyes, with acidity; temples as if pressed together.
Mouth: dry; excess of saliva; dry bitter taste; tongue coated white or yellow, brownish-yellow, rough, swollen, papillae red, prominent.
Lungs: asthma, dyspnoea; pressure on lungs; suffocation, < lying on back.
Heart: cramp-like pain in cardiac region.
Stomach: weight, full; atony; empty, = eating, pain griping, corrosion, heat, burning; belching, nausea, vomiting.
Abdomen: hepatitis, > acid; liver pain, aching, heavy, sore, swollen, sensitive, < pressure, < lying on the left side, > lying on right side; retraction.